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I woke up with the sun hitting my face. I looked around and saw Steve smiling down at me. I looked up at him, a question in my eyes. He laughed heartily and said, "I woke up with you curled up in my arms and I was so confused. I don't remember falling asleep with you. But it was a nice surprise." I laughed and playfully punched his chest.
"Get up-." Tony said, poking his head in the door, "What are you doing with my daughter?" He walked towards Captain and I and ripped us apart.I stared at him and whispered, "Daughter?" He turned to me and smiled, "Yeah. I don't mean it literally, but in a figurative sense. You are like a daughter to me." I smiled and hugged him before grabbing some clothes and skipping out of the room. not wanting to hear what he had to say to Steve.
I quickly ran into a bathroom and changed into something bright. After changing I waltzed into the lounge and saw everyone except Nat and Clint sitting there eating breakfast.
Thor turned to me with a smile and said, "Lady Pepper made this, but it doesn not equal your cooking Lady Avallone." I smiled and took a piece of toast with same bacon and egg on it.
"Why are eggs breakfast foods?" I asked, referencing The Fault In Our Stars. Pepper's eyes lit up and she laughed, "I don't know Hazel Grace, you tell me." I fake pouted and ignored everyone's confused faces. "I would rather not be a cancer patient, unless I get Augustus Waters." Pepper laughed.
I grabbed the maple syrup and doused my breakfast in it. "Ew." I heard Tony saw from beside me. I laughed and said, "Try it." I didn't wait for an answer but poured it all over his half eaten food. He cried out, "Hey! I was enjoying that!" I smirked and took a bite of my food. He poked out his tongue and followed my example.
Stark's eyes lit up when he tasted his food. "This is surprisingly great." He said, nodding at Pepper. She laughed and grabbed the maple syrup bottle, "I think I'll have to try this then." When she finished putting it on her food she handed it to a pair of outstretched hands, Captain's.
"Seems like you have started a food trend." Tony said, taking another bite of his food. I laughed, throwing my head back. He smiled and then became serious. "How can you be so happy when you did that last night." He pointed to my exposed, cut legs. I felt a shiver go down my back and I stared at my hands.
"Tony!" Pepper said, hitting him on the head. I looked up at her and smiled, "It's okay. Really." Then I turned to Stark and said, "I am bipolar. Simple as that." His hand paused, halfway to his mouth. The room went quiet and there was an awkward shuffling of feet.
I stood up, unable to bear the silence. "Well, I think I shall take a little stroll. I'll be back in an hour or so." I looked at the group. They sat there stunned. I smiled and walked away.


As I strolled down the street I sighed, listening to the familiar sound of road rage. "Oi! Get your f******* ass of the road! Dick!" I heard someone yell out a car window, in front of me. A hand popped out of another car window and pulled the finger. I laughed. Classic New Yorkers.
"Avallone!" I heard a name call behind me. I turned and say my friend Macy. I screamed and ran to hug her. We quickly embraced and started chattering.
"I haven't seem you since like, two months ago! I came to your diner but it had a sign saying 'Closed Permanently'. What happened?" She said, her bubbly voice showing her concern. I tried to laugh it off. It didn't work.
"Oh, I've closed down my business. And I've moved." I said, pulling at my collar. She looked at me weirdly and shrugged her shoulders. "We need to catch up. Come on." She took my hand and pulled me in the direction of her boyfriend's cafe.

"Hey John." I said, as Macy pulled me into the cafe. He smiled and waved. "Hey Avallone. Long time no see." I nodded in agreement and stumbled after Macy.
"Slow down!" I grumbled as she raced to a table. She laughed and sat me down saying, "But I haven't seen you in ages! I just want to talk." She pouted and I threw my head back in laughter. "Okay, okay. Fine." She smiled and excused herself. "I'll go order." I nodded and she walked away.
Suddenly I was plunged into a different scene. I was in the tower. Alone. I looked around and called. "Hello?" I said, walking to where the lounge should have been. But instead I entered the ball room.
"This isn't right." I said to myself. "That's right. Because this is an illusion." Loki said, from behind me. I gasped and whirled around. The park scene flashed before my mind and I stumbled backwards, falling into the punch bowl. It shocked me out of the dazed state and I found myself back in the cafe.
I looked around and sighed heavily.

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