Chapter 2-Ghost?

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A/n: This chapter will be written on my I pod so I won't have bold or italic. I'll be updating as much as possible so I can get a decent story up. This chapter will also be longer. At least a page and a bit long. Enjoy.

Jay Stardust xx

Harry POV

New people moving in. Great. Just great. "Harry don't mess up" I repeat to myself. You may be wondering, why in the world is a dead person doing in his own bedroom and not heaven.

Yes, I've gone through the whole thing where your sole leaves your body and all that. I ended up in heaven.

Heaven is paradise, nothing is better than it. But I just prefer to stay on Earth. There are other people like me who stay in this town for no particular reason. There are five of us around here to be exact. Liam, Louis, Zayn, Niall and I. We stay in this town live and breath (get my pun) here. All the other spirits call us Earth Roamers. Cheesy name right? I know.

I also would like everyone to know that I did not commit suicide. My best handgun misfired and shot me in the head, and it was the ball that night. I was going to finally meet my lover. Not that I knew I had on until I died. So, I am wearing my good clothes, and will always be.

I'm wearing brown trousers with a white cotton shirt, my best black bow tie a brown blazer and suspenders. That night I was taking one last look at my gun collection and BOOM, there I am looking at my own body. But hey, I didn't feel any pain!

The only problem with spending your days on earth is that sometimes, when the force of your spirit is strong, the people in the room could feel coldness or a breeze.

If it's really strong, which it usually never is, or if I will it to, some pretty messed up things happen. Which scares away people, which we don't want to happen, which brings me back to "Don't mess up Harry!"

Grace's POV

I finally look up to see the house that I will be moving into. It wasn't the biggest house, it was more like a cottage. It had brick walls and ivy growing up the sides, you couldn't call it beautiful it was more like a cute. I just couldn't wait to see my room.

"C'mon Grace, what are you waiting for, Christmas?" My Mom shouts at the top of her lungs.

"Coming Mom" I scream back

Once I arrive at my room I take a good look at my surroundings. There is a big window with a scratched antique wooden bench in front of it, my bed, which the mover must of put in the day before, an armoire, a small desk, a green fuzzy area rug on the old wood floor, a curly haired boy- wait, a curly haired boy!

"Moooom" I yell terrified," there's a robber in my room!"

Harry's POV

I take a good look at the girl who will be living in my room. She seems quite pretty, copper, wavy hair, big light blue eyes and a small coating of freckles on her face. She is wearing fashion of the twenty-first century. Tight, blue, I think they call them, jeans and a violet short sleeved shirt that says 'Call me a carpenter, cause I've just nailed this look!' Kids these days and their humor.

She looks very deep in thought. Surveying the room. Then when she looks at the spot where I am her eyes widen. Oh great.

"Moooom" she calls in a very panicked tone. "There's a robber in my room!"

I also look around panicked, I don't see any robber! I pace back and forth with worry, sure, I'm a ghost, I have no worries, but this is my house too!

Her Mom runs through the door to my, no, her, no, let's just say, our room

"Honey what are you talking about, there is no robber anywhere!" The older woman says.

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