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I woke up and went to get us some coffee. I left a cute nite and was back within ten minutes. Emily was awake and all dressed for the day.

"Coffee!" She squealed. I handed her a cup and we started to walk to her car. We made small talk on the drive there until she asked me about Sophia.

"So how are you two? I know before all this you were fighting." She asked.

"We fine. She just needed time. We all did. I think the mix of the road trip and me and everything messed her up. But we're getting through it." I smiled.

"That's good. I heard about the road trip from Pen. I'm sorry. You should have gotten a nice vacation."

I just nodded. "Honestly, it wasn't a horrible thing. Leaving after what happened helped. Maybe not in the best way. But going around to where we would play as kids was so comforting. I went through a lot of emotions but I think I needed it."

"I'm proud of you." She whispered. I beamed.

Three weeks later

Sophia's POV
Penelope invited everyone over for dinner. She wanted to have a family dinner or something. I got ready with Alyssa and met at her house.

As soon as I opened the door, Penelope was cheering.

"We haven't spent time together in so long!" She was yelling. Alyssa started talking to Reid about something smart and I went to JJ.

We hadn't talked in a while, not since I cried to her. She pulled me into a conversation like nothing had happened, I loved it.

Penelope had a pizza delivered and I think Rossi died in the inside.

"Only people who don't know how to cook order pizza." He said.

"Yeah and I don't know how to cook." Penelope yelled back. It was so fucking funny.

At dinner I started talking to Hotch about being in the FBI. It was something that always interested me but I never tried to do.

He gave me info about tests and training and education and I think I might try to get into the academy.

As soon as I got home I started putting together an application. Alyssa is a genius so she helped with some forms.

We sent it in the next day and I didn't want to tell anyone. Especially not JJ.

The email said to expect a response in about two weeks. It was horrible.

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