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"Jennifer left and I'm going after her." I told my mother. She tried to fight but I walked out the door. I tried calling Penelope but it was kinda early.

Only one person I knew would be awake, Hotch. I dialed his number and he picked up instantly.

"Hey. Is everything alright?" He asked. "Not even a little. Jennifer left and I don't know where she's going. She got drunk and high last night and I think she had a one night stand. She's not ok and I don't know where she is."

"Okay. It'll be okay. I'll get Penelope to track her phone. In the meantime, come back here and we can find her." He said. I hung up and got on a train back home.

"We sat by the pool and talked. She fell asleep and I watched a movie. When I woke up she was gone and my brother said they sat by the pool before calling it a night. I sat out for her and she came back at 10 in the same clothes with vodka in her hand." I told Penelope.

I was pacing in her office while she was looking. "If we find her I am going to murder her. She's being dumb and reckless."

"Darling she lost Emily. She needs time." Penelope said as she typed. I sat in a chair and put my head in my hands.

"She didn't fucking sleep on a park bench. She slept with someone. She hooked up with someone two days after Emily died." I sighed.

"Darling, she's at a bar." Penelope sighed. I followed her to the bullpen and we grabbed Derek and Spencer.

As soon as we got there she was making out with some guy in a booth. I walked over and grabbed her arm, pulling her away.

"Fuck off." She said pulling her arm back. "No you fuck off. I have been worried for 6 hours. You left without saying where you were going and you were high out of your mind." I yelled at her.

"I don't give a fuck. Leave me be." She yelled back. Her teammates watched as we yelled back and forth at each other. She wouldn't follow after me but instead tried to go back to the booth. The guy she was with left when the yelling started.

"We're going home." I said pulling her. She hit at my arm, but not like she normally did. She tried to actually hit me. I hit her arm back and she almost punched me.

Derek pulled me back before I had a chance to punch her perfect stupid nose. The three of them stepped between us and Penelope tried to talk to Jennifer.

I just stood back and watched. "Sweetie come to my place and sober up. It's hard watching you like this." Penelope said trying to hold her hand. Jennifer kept swatting her hand away and pulling back.

"Then don't fucking watch. I don't need you, or any of you to tell me what to do. I am an adult and can make my own choices."

Penelope bit her lip and her face started to turn red. Spencer stood back and Derek moved out of the way.

"Okay. If that's how we are talking, fine. You are acting like a scared little girl that won't accept anyone's help. You are sitting here trying to fill that hole that Emily left."

She didn't even raise her voice. She grabbed Jennifer by the ear and pulled her out of the bar.

"I know you miss Emily hit we all do. I don't want to fucking deal with having to pull you out of bars anytime you feel sad. Grow the hell up and embrace your emotions."

Jennifer tried to turn around but Garcia didn't accept it. She stood right in front of her and held her shoulders.

"Emily Prentiss is dead. The love of your life is dead. You are sad about that and you need to realize it. You loved her and she was killed. You were there when she died. Emily is dead. She is gone forever." Pen yelled right in her face.

Jennifer stood silent and Penelope pulled her into her arms. She cried on her shoulder and they stood there for a bit. I followed the boys to the car and took the front seat. Spencer sat in back with the girls and I tried not to scream or cry.

I got dropped off at home, grabbed a suitcase and left for Alyssa's. If I stayed with Jennifer at all right now, I might kill someone.

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