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I was walking to get a drink when Emily called. "Hey. So JJ went to your mothers and they got in a bad fight. Can you come back and be with her for a bit? I don't think I can help her like you could." She said.

"Uh yeah. I'm on my way. What kind of fight?" I said calling a taxi. "Basically she said that Will didn't mean to attack her and that she wasn't a real FBI agent. Just a bunch of bullshit."

I unlocked the apartment door and Emily left us alone. I went to JJ's room and opened the door a little.

"Hey. Can I come in?" I said. I didn't get a response so I came in anyways. "Emily told me what happened. I'm sorry. I should've been there."

"It's fine." She whispered. I sat on the bed next to her and rubbed her back, it always helped when we were kids.

"Nothing she said is true. She has a sick and twisted mind and I will never let you think she was right." I stated.

"It is true. I basically am a reporter for the BAU. I don't have the education Reid and Emily have. I don't have the profiler skills like Hotch and Rossi. Im not strong like Derek. And I can't even compare to Pen. Im nothing."

"Jen stop. If I ask any of them, they will give me a reason you are vital to them." I said laying down and putting my head on her shoulder.

"I couldn't even talk with my mom without needing Emily to pick me up." She said quietly.

"That's because you know when to ask for help. You are able to ask for help. That's good."

JJ sat quiet for a little bit before sighing. I took that as a sign she was better and left to get her water. I texted Emily and left a glass by her bed.

She's better now I think. I left some water but I think she wants you. I did all I can.

Thanks. I'll be over soon. Hopefully she'll be okay soon.

I went back to my bedroom and sat. I missed having a person that knew me. Like I had an Emily, but now she's gone.

I debated texting her but it would only make things worse. She looked happy on social media so maybe she's better off.

I heard Emily come in and took it as a sign to sleep.

Third Person POV
Emily went straight to JJ's bedroom. She sat on the bed and didn't know what to say. "What do you need?" She finally asked.

JJ sat up and looked at her lap. "I don't know. I just want someone there. And I hate myself for it, but I miss Will. I miss having someone around and someone that loved me." She said, a tear falling on the blanket.

"I'm here for you." Emily offered, but JJ shook her head. "Not in a love kind of way." She said, defeated.

Emily's heart broke a little. She assumed her feelings for JJ were clear, apparently not.

But Emily wasn't the only one sad about that statement. JJ hated herself for having feelings for Emily. In her head Emily would never love her back. She hoped it could change, but it probably wouldn't.

"I can act like it is in a loving way." Emily said. JJ finally looked at her and kind of smiled. "I'm a decent actor." Emily said, causing JJ to laugh.

"Ok. Let's hope you aren't lying." JJ said with a smile. Emily moved towards the headboard and pulled the small blonde into her arms.

JJ relaxed against her and closed her eyes. She dug her head into Emily's chest and tried to not get attached.

"You are important to the team. Nobody else could talk to the families and make them feel okay. You give them hope. You are something and I will never let you forget it." Emily said rubbing her hair.

She desperately wanted this moment to last. Holding on to JJ felt right. It felt natural. She held on a little tighter and JJ noticed.

Emily leaned back a little farther and was almost laying now. JJ shifted to her stomach and Emily prayed it would last forever. JJ closed her eyes and hoped Emily would still be there when she woke up.

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