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We spent the rest of the night together. We went to a bar and got drunk. We danced for hours before I called JJ to pick us up.

I don't know if she was mad that we were drinking, or proud we called. We got in the car and she held out her hand.

"Fake IDs." She said.
"Lost it."

She gave up and drove home. We got to the apartment and she turned around before going to bed.

"If you're gonna have sex be quiet. I don't want to hear it." I burst out laughing and she left us alone.

I showed her my room and we passed out. In the morning JJ left coffee out before she went to work.

"So what happens now?" I asked getting changed. "I have no idea. I've been renting a friend's room and I think we look at apartments. As long as you are okay with it."

I jumped on the bed and kissed her. "I would love to go look at apartments with you." We got changed, ate and split up.

I spent my day at home doing homework. I had to check into a couple online classes.

JJ got home shortly after and made herself dinner. We settled on the couch and I told her all about Alyssa.

I left to go to the bathroom when her phone rang and I came back to her frozen. "Jay what's wrong?" I asked.

"Emily is missing. Hotch called and said her car was still there and we can't find her." She didn't move.

"Let me call Derek or Penelope, they'll know what to do." I said as I grabbed at her phone. "No. I'm going to the office." She said. She grabbed the keys and walked out the door.

I grabbed my shoes and ran after her. If I couldn't stop her I might as well help. We got to the parking garage and people were everywhere. She walked up to a Hotch and he immediately started talking.

"You all left at the same time and I came down about 20 minutes ago. I saw her car and went back up to see if she was there. I called her than called you and the rest of the team. Garcia is looking at cameras now."

"Good. I want to know everything. She wouldn't just leave. Not today. Not ever." I had never seen anyone talk to him like that.

The way she made him talk without saying a word. It was amazing. Maybe she scares him. That would be funny.

I sat her in her office and tried to keep her occupied. I kept looking at the door and hoped Hotch would come in with news. He never did.

"I should be helping. I shouldn't be here. I can find her." JJ tried fighting.
"You can't let your feelings get in the way."
"Sophia I am going and you can't stop me."
"Let the team handle it."
"Get the fuck out of my way." She said before pushing me out of the way.

I tried to follow her but the elevator closed before I could catch her. I went to Garcia's office and tried to see what she knew.

"Ok so apparently Emily was on the same team as  Ian Doyle until some falling out. I don't know what, but I know she got in a different car. Like one registered to Ian. Hotch thinks he's behind it."

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