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My mom had ordered two rooms at the hotel. One had a queen and the other had two queens. "Ok boys in one bed, the couple next door and me and Sophia in the last bed."

JJ didn't say a word and went back to the reception desk. She came back with a room key and grabbed me and the bag.

"We have our own room on the opposite side. It's closer to the pool." She said as I followed behind her. We put our stuff down and she took me to a restaurant she loved.

"Ok so it has mostly tacos and shit but I got nachos." She said. We ate and left to explore the town.

"Dad always told us to never go out alone. He didn't want us to get kidnapped. Roz once snuck out and he flipped." She smiled.

"Do you want to talk about her?" I asked. She wiped a tear and shook her head. "I don't want to talk about either of them. Roz, dad, Emily. They are gone and I can't do anything about it."

I nodded and we went into a couple stores. We got candy and clothes and snacks, I loved it. We rented a bike to ride back and I tried sitting on the handle bars.

"Do you even know how to ride a bike?" I said when she fell over for the third time. "I did. Don't they always say that it's easy to come back to?"

She gave up and we just walked. We unpacked all our shit and she wanted to go swimming. There was something she wanted to show me. I got my suit on and followed her to the outdoor pool.

"When I would go here with Roz, she once carved our names into the side of the hot tub. All three of our names. It was the last trip we took and I think she knew what was going to happen to her."

JJ walked around the hot tub and pointed out a spot. She sat next to it and I joined her.


"She wanted to bring you out here but we got caught because you were crying." She smiled. I put my head on her shoulder and she took a picture of it.

"I miss her." She whispered. I ran my finger over the three names. I really wish I met her. I mean I did but I didn't know her.

"What if we got tattoos?"
"We are the only three sane people in this family. Why not celebrate? We get each other's name in her handwriting."
"That would be nice." She sighed.

We sat there for an hour before she started to fall off. I walked her back to the room and let her sleep. It wasn't too late so I texted Hotch.

She's not ok. She got super high and I've never seen her like this. I don't know what will happen if she goes back to work.

Last time she caught me smoking she made me move in. Now she joined in and fought with our mother.

I put my phone down and started a movie.

I heard Sof snoring and knew she was out. I wanted to leave so I took her pen and went out to the pool.

I put my feet in the water and played with my ring. I heard someone come up behind me but I didn't look.

"Little sister, a creature of habit." It was Alex. He sat next to me and put his arm around me. "I'm sorry about your friend. It looked like you were close."

"Yeah. I loved her." I took a hit and looked down. "Which kind of love?" He asked. I couldn't say anything. I just kicked my feet in the water and took another hit.

"You know, when I met Kallie, I never told her I loved her. Like I denied I had feelings for her for years."

I just looked at him and I kinda cried. "Does that sound familiar?" I looked back at the water and he pulled me closer. "I figured."

"Yeah but now she's dead and I can't have a happy ending. I waited too long and she was killed."

It shut him up quick. He rubbed my shoulder and I kept taking hits. I wanted to stop feeling.

"Let's bring you back." He said. I got up and followed him to the hall. I watched as he went in his room and I turned right around. I needed to do something.

Something that I was never allowed to do here. I walked out the side door and went to the little town.

Nothing was open and the lights were dim. I sat on a park bench and just kept smoking. I went for a walk and found one open restaurant, a bar. I walked in and tried getting someone to buy me drinks.

It worked. I got at least four shots from different guys. I got drunk and started dancing. This one guy was flirting with me and I let it slide. We started dancing closer and soon we started kissing.

It was probably the alcohol but I needed something. Sex. I needed sex. I let him buy me more drinks and we spent the night dancing.

He drove me to his place and one thing led to another. It felt weird. I thought it would be nice but it didn't help. The mix of weed and vodka didn't help.

The next morning my phone was ringing nonstop. I left without saying anything and walked to the inn. Sophia was sitting outside and she was mad. I grabbed a bottle of vodka from the guys house and was already drinking.

"What the hell is wrong with you? I woke up and you were gone. You didn't say anything and I even went to talk to Alex and Peter. Alex said you went back to bed and you never did. Are you stupid?" She yelled.

I walked past her and she grabbed my arm. "What is going on? I've never seen you like this." I broke past her and went to the room. I found a bus station and grabbed my wallet.

I stormed out and started walking. I got a taxi to the bus station, got a ticket and went home. It was only a 2 hour ride. I turned off my phone and ignored everything from Sophia. I'm going home.

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