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I sat in my office with Emily and it was awkward. Like, it wasn't normal. We used to be able to sit in a room and be comfortable around each other, but it's different.

"I'm sure the boys will come around." She looked up and stopped biting her nails. "And I don't think Penelope is mad at you. I just think she needs time."

"I shouldn't be here. I should go back. None of you need me here." She said and tried going to the door.

"No please. Did Hotch tell you anything about us while you were gone?" I asked standing up. She shook her head and I bit my lip.

"Oh. Um. I was in rehab." I sat back down and put my head in my arms. "I got in a fight with Sophia and walked out. Spence found vodka in my desk drawer." I said, pulling the drawer open.

Emily walked closer and covered her mouth. "I'm sorry." She whispered. "I never would have left if it meant this happening." She cried.

"It's fine. I had gone on a road trip with my family and Will, and I just got so overwhelmed that I had to drink to forget." She looked up and I couldn't look at her.

"Will?" She whispered. "Yeah. My mom thinks he is a good guy." I sighed.

"Oh. God. I'm sorry." She whispered. I shook my head and closed the drawer. I sat on the floor and curled up in a ball. Emily sat next to me and I put my head on her shoulder.

"So what's happening now? Are you coming back or what?" I asked. "I think I am. But I don't think the relationships will be the same. My friendships are gone." She sighed.

Fuck. Was that all I was? A friend? I thought we were closer than that. Maybe it's all the emotions or something. I guess I never did say I liked her. Or loved her.

The last thing I said to her was don't leave me. I never told her I loved her.

"I mean you have my friendship. That's a start." I smiled. It took everything in me to not cry. She nodded. "Yeah it's a start." She smiled.

Sophia's POV
"I'm really sorry Sof. I wouldn't have said anything if I knew it would hurt you."

"It's fine." Alyssa was feeling guilty about JJ and I. I told her everything Penelope had told me. She was trying to make me fell better but honestly I just missed my sister.

Not the sister that was drunk off her ass, but the one that I was going to get a matching tattoo with. The one that talked about Roz and dad. The one that got high with me in the car.

I miss my sisters. I miss the JJ that let me stay with her. Not the one that has to get dragged off to rehab. I didn't notice I was crying and wiped a tear. "Sof? What's wrong?"

"I really fucking miss my sister." I cried. Alyssa ran over and held onto me. She rubbed my head and let me cry.

"I just want to know she's ok. I need to say I'm sorry. I shouldn't have given up on her when she didn't give up on me."

Alyssa talked me down and we came up with the idea to call Hotch. She dialed the phone and I had to talk.

"Sof? Everything okay?"

"Have you heard from JJ? I need to know she's ok."

"She's ok. But there's something you should know. Emily is alive. The bureau needed to fake her death. She's with JJ now and if you want to call or come down you can."

What the actual fuck. I told Alyssa everything and she drove me to the BAU. I met Hotch by the elevators and he brought me to JJ.

As soon as I saw her I ran over to apologize. "Jennifer I never should have given up on you. I shouldn't have been giving you weed on that trip. You were hurting and I should've helped."

She stopped me by pulling me in tight and I wrapped my arms around her. I cried into her shoulder and desperately wanted to go home.

"I'm sorry. I was an ass and you shouldn't have needed to see to." I held onto her forever and was broken up by Hotch.

"There's someone that would like to say hi." He said. Emily turned the corner and I ran to her the same way I did JJ.

I think I took her by surprise, because she fell back a little. "I missed you kid." She whispered. I just nodded and hugged her too.

After all my tears were gone, I got a chance to introduce Alyssa. They talked for a bit while I got JJ alone.

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