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*back to Valentina's POV*

He came back.

It all started this morning at 11:03am exactly. I got a text on my phone from an unknown number that would possibly change everything.

It read:
From: Unknown number
Val. It's me, Ryan.
we need to talk.

I was unsure of how to feel. After I kicked Ryan out of my house a month ago, we hadn't talked.

I didn't want to hear his stupid voice, and he didn't want to own up to cheating so we simply ignored each other.

Now I couldn't ignore this.

Well, technically I could. But something from deep inside me was practically forcing me to answer. So I did.

To: Unknown number
What do you want fuckface

From: Unknown number
I want to explain why I cheated on you in the first place Val

To: Unknown number
Oh so you can tell me why you weren't satisfied with me? I don't need this right now.

While I wait for his response, I walk out of my stuffy room and downstairs to get advice. Suprisingly, these boys are great relationship advice gurus. I enter the kitchen, and Ash is the only one sitting at the island.

"Hey Ash, where are the other boys?" I ask, curious.
"Oh Luke and Cal are out back playing football, and Mikes in the recording studio messing with some notes and lyrics. I'm just being lazy here on Twitter though. What did you need?" Ashton responds quietly.

"Ash, I need advice."
He nods and pulls up a chair next to him, motioning for me to sit.

I sit on the plush chair and face towards him ready to spill my guts.
"Ok, so Ashton. My ex boyfriend, Ryan, cheated on me. He was a pretty rude guy and acted like a jerk, all things considered."

He nods his head, anticipating the next words.
"Well, I haven't talked to him since he dumped me a little over a month ago. Then this morning he sent me a text saying he wants to explain why he cheated and like what went down," I say and Ashton sighs.

"Val, can I say something from a guys point of view? If he's waited a month to tell you he made a mistake, then maybe it wasn't a mistake. You're a pretty girl, and he probably just misses having you around to verbally abuse." I contemplate his words as he looks back at his phone.

"Wellllll, can I at least hear him out? I mean, I don't even want to get back with him but I'm curious as to why I'm dumpable."

"Fine, fine. Do what you want. Just come to me if you need to talk, ok?" Ashton asks and I nod. I continue to sit at the table next to him and text Ryan back.

To: Ryan :/
Fine, explain yourself.

From: Ryan :/
I know about you and Oliver sleeping together ok Oliver told me one day about it and I was really hurt so to get back at you I cheated with Sienna

The message appears on my screen, and I wish I never had to see it.
All I can think of is the fact my best friend basically broke my boyfriend and I up. Ryan and I planned to go to college together, raise a family together, we had so many plans.

Now we'd never get to live them out, thanks to Ollie.

I can't completely hate him, considering I did cheat, but in my head it wasn't cheating. I just needed-it just- whatever. It doesn't matter.

I'm not sure if I'll be able to look at Ollie the same way for a long time.

Why? Why did he tell him? He said we wouldn't tell anyone, that no one needed to know. Now who knows if Ryan and I could've been happy together.

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