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Do you ever question your existence? Not like, "Oh I ate a kale salad I'll probably live another five years for that." I mean when you think, "im just a speck on this planet, which is just part of this solar system, which is one of many galaxies in an infinite mass of space yet I'm eating Cheerios and procrastinating."

It blows my mind to think of something so existential. On another topic, I should probably introduce myself. I'm Valentina Grayson, and I hate everyone (and pants).

I wasn't always that way though, in fact I had a pretty normal life until Ryan broke up with me a month ago. No I was not the depressed woe is me type, but I realized that being so dependent on one person is ridiculous and everyone ends up hurting you anyways.

This is the story of how I learned from four boys that most importantly, love yourself before trying to love others.

Authors note
Hi ok sooo yes this story is gonna be a good fanfic I'm 90% sure and I am in awe of Valentina's profound thoughts and hatrid for pants bc same really
Comment, vote, read, that'd be cool
- s.e.a

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