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My phone buzzes.

"call from: Olliepocket"

Siris robotic voice annoys me but I answer the call anyways.
"Hey Ollie what's up?" I say, excited to talk to him.

"No, not what's up. You. Lied. To. Me."
His voice becomes angry like he's about to punch something.

Being confused, I become panicked.
"I can't believe you, I trusted you I really did."
He's being very vague, and I have no idea what I did wrong.

"Taryn told me you slept with him, you know. Said you begged for it at the party, and that it happened just a few minutes before I walked in on you two." His voice sounds shakey, like he's on the verge of tears which is different than the anger I noted before.

You have got to be fucking kidding me, right? I thought Taryn wouldn't say anything to Ollie, and it doesn't even matter because I didn't do anything!

"Ollie I swear I didn't with him, ok? He's making it up to get back at me for not sleeping with him, so just ignore it. He's making up lies," I say.
Ollie's got to believe me, considering we just made up. I can't have him pissed at me again.

"Val, when he said it it seemed very convincing. I-I don't know what to believe. I'm trying to be patient with this but I'm really fucking angry that you would just sleep around, especially with Taryn."

"Oliver, for the last time I. did not. sleep with Taryn! Why don't you trust me?"

"Because, becau-" he sighs, "because it felt good to know I was your first and the idea of you sleeping with guys bugs me ok! I don't have a fucking explanation, I'm just an idiot with stupid problems."

When he admits this, I feel weird. I had no idea he even remembered that night anymore. He was the one that suggested we could forget about it in the first place.

"Val? Still there?" He asks.
"Yeah. Ollie I didn't know you felt that way, I didn't think you thought about it."

He's silent.

"Val- I can't, I think I should go. I'm really sorry, I shouldn't have said anything."
He sounds really uncomfortable and all I want is to be next to him and tell him it's ok, he didn't do anything wrong. Then I remember I shouldn't be taking pity on him till I set things straight.

"Ollie, I don't care about whatever you just said, we'll figure it out later. What's important is that you believe I didn't do anything with Taryn, ok? I need you to trust me," I say, thankful none of the boys are here listening.

"I do trust you. I'm really sorry for accusing you, and I should've known better. I've just been a mess, it's hard not having you around to laugh with.
I think I've said this a lot already, but I miss you Val. More than I miss peanut butter which is a ton," he says. Ollie developed a nut allergy as he got older, and still says he misses eating peanuts and pecans. I laugh, and make a decision.

"Ollie, are you free soon? I mean I know we have school and all but like on the weekend? Or-"

"I'm gonna miss school next Tuesday because I've got a doctors appointment, but I'd be fine skipping the rest to chill with you."

I smile. I'm glad I'll finally be able to see Ollie after being gone for what seems like forever, not four days.
"That'd be so great. I'll text you more details later, ok? And thanks for believing me, it means a lot Ollie pocket."

He groans at my newest nickname for him, inspired by Polly Pocket herself.
"Another thing I'm going to never get used to," he mumbles. An awkward silence follows so I cut the call short.

"Well I've got to go but we can talk later Ollie. Miss you much best friend," I say.

"I lo-I miss you too Val. See you soon."

"Bye," I respond. I hang up and close my eyes, clutching my phone to my chest. Only three more days till I see him, I think to myself.

Authors note:
Ayyyye that awkward moment when you think your best friend slept with your other friend and then you almost confess your love to her and all your emotional baggage with it
But hey Ollie and Val made up again (for the millionth time I s2g)
So yeah vote, comment, read and know that I love all the people that read my story, it means a lot tysm


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