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After hearing the boys play a few more songs, I suggest going down to the pool I wrote about in my journal. It's noon, and already 85 degrees outside which basically means I have to get in a pool. Dont get me wrong, I love the feeling of sun soaking my skin more than anything, but their pool is so big! It's like the size of my entire backyard.

"Guys, I have to get in that pool out back. Its practically calling my name, and it looks completely unused," I say, hoping they'll get on board.

"I guess we could go in there. The heater was on, so it should be like the perfect temperature right now." Luke says and I smile. This is gonna be good. I run up to my room to put on my bikini. Its my favorite bathing suit ever, black with little Palm trees on it.

As I look in the mirror at myself, I immediately feel disappointed.
My stomach looks kinda fat, and my thighs, oh my gosh. I decide to ignore the horrible voice in my head for the sake of having fun. If these boys ended up thinking Im fat, so what? Not like Ill be seeing them after this contest anyways.

I grab my towel out of the closet and walk downstairs to the pool.
"Awwww yisssss...." I whisper, when I spot the four boys in their trunks. What the actual hell? If I thought they were hot before, there's no doubt I do now.

Have you seen Calums biceps. Have you experienced Ashton's abs. Have you ever had a firsthand witness to Luke Hemmings shoulders, or Michaels perfect legs? It's an amazing sight, I must say. Until right now, I remember I'm practically ogling their bodies and shake my head, embarrassed.

I pull my ponytail out and fluff my hair, before cannonballing into the pool. Cold water surrounds me, and for a split second everything feels foreign, like I'm floating. Ashton jumps in right beside me, bringing me back to reality. Swimming up to the surface, I breathe in fresh SoCal air.

"Do you swim for school or anything?" Ashton asks, popping out of the water next to me.
"Yeah well, I did water polo for three years. I was even on varsity, until I quit," I respond, when Luke, Cal and Mikey jump in.
"Why'd you quit Val? Luke and I both did swim, and we thought it was pretty fun."

Ash doesn't know of course. He doesn't know that I used to get so anxious before games that I'd get panic attacks and throw up out of nervousness.

"It was just too stressful, I guess. And boys aren't exactly attracted to the scent of chlorine, you know what I mean." I laugh and he nods.

"Yeah, I was actually really good but I got fed up with it and stopped. It keeps you in shape though, doesn't it?" He says and I agree with him, my toned arms proving it.

When I start to swim over to the other side of the pool, a pair of hands grab me by the waist and throw me up in the air. I land back in the water and spot the guilty band member. It was Luke, and just for that I splash him in the face.

"Thanks a lot, Lucifer."
"Anytime Valerie."
I groan, not wanting to deal with his shenanigans. I then realize Mikey is no where to be found.

"Guys, where did Michael go? Wasn't he just in the water?" I ask, grabbing a floaty pool ring and sit in it.
"Oh Mike doesn't like much sunlight, he says it damages his look. Whatever that's supposed to mean," Calum says, and grabs Ketchup off the pool deck. I swear they're mentally connected, him and Ketchup.

If anything, Mikey could use some sun. He and Luke are the palest people I've seen in California in awhile.
We all just kinda relax in the pool for a bit, Luke quietly swimming laps, and Calum trying to ride Ketchup like a horse.

When I'm in the middle of thinking up lyrics, Ashton swims over to me.
"You should feel really special," Ashton whispers to me, "Luke almost never takes his shirt off in front of new people, especially girls."
Now my curiosity is peaked. Whats wrong with Luke? I mean he's not like super muscular, but he's got a nice flat stomach and broad shoulders. He's not overweight at all, so what's the big deal? Ashton seems to be reading my mind and answers my thoughts.

"When we were younger, up until year 7, Luke was kinda a chubby kid. He used to hate getting undressed for PE, but I mean he wasn't that bad. Just insecure I guess." I nod as Luke eyes us suspiciously.

I certainly hope he doesn't feel that way now, I mean he's practically noodle size. I can relate though. Lets just say puberty gave me my curves before giving me a growth spurt.

"Well I think it's cool that he's being so confident. That's awesome," I say and glance down at my own little stomach rolls. Maybe I shouldn't be so hard on myself, I mean if someone as gorgeous as Luke can be that confident then I should be too.

"It's because he and Calum think you're hot honestly," Ashton says and I don't know how to respond. I know I'm not like, traffic stopping beautiful, but I don't think my appearance is ugly exactly either. I'm flattered though, because these guys thinking I'm impressive definitely doesn't hurt.

"It's true. I mean personally, you're a little young for Mike and I but I can see them staring at you. I didn't realize you had no idea though," he says before catching up with Luke. Another thing Ash wouldn't know is that I'm usually either overexaggerting boys stares or am completely oblivious to them.

That tells you how much experience I have with guys on a daily basis. I smile to myself and hop off the pool ring. I notice the boys are now racing laps and I decide to join in, still having some swim skills in me. I'm in first place actually, when Calum throws Ketchup at me.

"Dammit you guys, I never swam for sport ok I can't do this! I'm a freaking football player not Olympic swimmer!" Calum shouts and I laugh. My fingers touch the edge of the pool and I pull myself up onto the concrete deck, legs swaying in the water.

"Valentina: 1. Ash and Lucifer: 0" I say, waiting patiently for the two boys to finish. Ash reaches the edge and pulls himself up right next to me, while Luke decides to stay in the pool with Calum.

In that peaceful, happy moment I look up at the sky, and realize something. These boys are actually pretty cool, and I'm kinda starting to hope they keep in contact with me even after the contest. I know better than that though, these guys probably won't even remember me in a few months.

A girl can dream though, right?

Authors note:
Yay pool scene bc I love pools so much for real they're the best
And good for Val I mean 2/4 already think she's a babe and I can't even get 1/4 to retweet me fml
Anyways, comment, vote, read and prepare for the Tender SOS album coming out much excite


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