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*Still in Ollie's room, party still going on*

Ollie sits on the bed next to me, and I shift a little. These are those perfect moments, when you are just kind of enjoying life even though everything sucks. I wish I could freeze this space in time right here forever, but unfortunately I can't.

Ollie makes most things enjoyable though, even a crappy party.
"So I really like that flannel you're wearing," he says, breaking the silence.
"Well that skater dress of yours is quite handsome, if I do say so myself." He immediately stands up and twirls for me.
"Am I a pretty girl?" Ollie asks, trying to twirl his quiff.
"Ew, nobody would touch you with a ten foot pole, nasty."

"Right back atcha Val." We laugh and I gaze back at the picture in my hand.
"Do you have more pictures? I hardly ever see you with a camera, and now I'm dying to see more amazing sunsets." I say, and he nods. He reaches under his bed and pulls out a shoebox, setting it in my lap.
"Open it." he replies.
I do so and flip through some gorgeous pictures of trees, beach sunsets, and rainy day windows.

"These really are beautiful, Ollie. You should be in photography club with pictures like these." I shuffle through some pictures of Ollie with his mom, hid dad and his dog until I find a picture of him alone. He's at school sitting in the grass, strumming his guitar peacefully.

"Who took this one?" I ask.
"Actually, Roxy took that one. She said I look contemplative, whatever that means."
He really does look great in this picture, the sun is shining on his face and his eyes are looking at the guitar like he has no care in the world.

"Could I keep this one, Ollie?"

"Oh, sure. I usually don't just give them out, but consider it an extra birthday gift." I shut the box and hug him.

"Thanks," I whisper. He wraps his arms around me and we lean back against the wall, sitting on his bed in silence. Despite the party going on underneath us, I start to nod off until Ollie wakes me up.

"Sorry to wake you sleeping beauty, but I've still got a party to attend to. Coming with?" He asks, standing in the doorway. I shake my head.I'll go home soon, but the music is really loud downstairs and I can't think straight so I decide to chill in his room and check my Instagram feed.

"Be right back." he says, and then he's gone. I just sit on his bed and scroll through pictures of the party that people have posted and laugh at the drunk videos.

It's funny how Ollie can set up parties like these, with him being popular and all, but at the same time be really nice and down to earth. I pull the picture out of the flannel pocket and glance at it again, smiling. He just looks so content in this picture, and I love it. A+ for Roxy's photography skills.

I nod off again, and wake up to his bedroom door opening. I expect Ollie to come walking in, but it's not him.

It's Taryn.

"What do you want?" I ask. I'm still kinda pissed at him for just sleeping around, I thought he was better than that. Not that I would hold it against him but really? He just doesn't seem like the type. He sits on the bed next to me, and his breath reeks of alcohol.

"I just wanted to find the birthday girl, that's all." He says, scooting closer to me.
"Well, you sure did. What did you need?" I ask again, scooting away. Don't get me wrong, I love Taryn and all but he's really creeping me out right now. I scoot away from him even more and put my hands in my lap.
"You should wear my boxers more often, you look hot in them." he smiles and looks over my body.

"I need you," he says.
"And I need to puke." I respond.

In one swift motion he starts sucking on my neck, and I push him off.
"Dude, stop. You don't know what you're doing, you're drunk."

"Val, I really, really like you. Why don't you get it?" He says. This time he tries kissing my neck and I stand up, getting off the bed.
"Taryn, I do get it. You make it pretty obvious actually. But I'm not going to let you do something you'll regret later," I respond. He stands up, and forces me against the wall.

"Who says I'm going to regret it?"
And he kisses me.

I don't kiss back, but he keeps pushing me against the wall so I can't move. I pray I'll never have to see drunk Taryn again, when Ollie walks in.

"What the actual fuck? Is this why you wanted to stay in here?" Ollie shouts. Taryn peels himself off of me as slow as possible, not before grabbing my ass.
"Ollie it's not what it-" Ollie doesn't respond but shoves Taryn into the wall where I was.
"Don't Fucking call me Ollie, ok? I can't believe I actually thought we were spending a nice time together, and then you pull this shit on me."
"Ollie, I couldn't move! He forced himself on me!"

"You didn't look like you were trying to move either." He turns toward Taryn.
"And you," Ollie says, "You touch her like that again and I'll fucking end you, got it?"
Taryn just shrugs and Ollie lets go of him.
"Always gotta have some macho guy come save you, right Val?" Taryn says.
"Oh fuck off, you asshole" I shoot back.

"First it was Ryan, now Ollie. When are you gonna learn to be a big girl and deal with your own problems?" He says, and I grab my phone. Ollie looks like he's ready to hit Taryn, and I decide to leave. I do one last thing before heading out, though. I put the picture of me in Ollie's hands, and look him and Taryn in the eye.

"You know what, I hope you're both happy. Thanks for ruining my 18th birthday, guys. I would probably say see you in two months, but maybe I won't. So Goodbye, Oliver."

I walk out of the room, then out of the house, and tears are streaming down my face. I had no idea my friends could hurt me that much. I get in my car and head home, wanting this night to end.

Authors note:
dude that's some tense stuff going on there I mean wow
And I know I keep saying we'll meet 5sos next chapter but legit they actually come into play next chapter I promise
So yeah comment, vote, read, all that cool stuff


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