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I've never been so scared in my whole life.

Luke, Calum, Ashton, Michael and I are all seated on a soft gray leather sofa, with a camera pointed at our faces.

Luke and Calum gave me a small pep talk when we arrived at the studio, saying that I should answer questions I was unsure about calmly and quickly, and just remember to smile. Apparently smiles hide a lot more than they should.

The interviewer grins at me with her pearly whites, boobs shoved out of her top and up high. I'd be lying if I said I felt completely confident chest-wise next to her.

"So, 5 Seconds Of Summer! Thanks for joining us here at KLRZfm radio."

Ashton smiles at the interviewer and does what he does best.

"Thanks for having us! You know, it's so crazy being able to do things like getting interviewed and all, considering that four years ago I worked at a KFC with a dream or two."

The interviewer looks overwhelmed by the long response and I laugh quietly. If she only knew how much Ashton actually talks...

"How's performing been for you guys, since you're on a small break?"
She adjusts herself on the other side of the sofa, folding her arms under her massive chest.

This time Luke speaks, which takes me by surprise.

"The Rock Out With Your Socks Out tour starts pretty soon, in May, but we're definitely enjoying the break so far. Getting connected with our fans while we prepare for tour is pretty important, so we've been doing lots of that too," Luke says eloquently.

I wish he would talk more often, he does have a way with words behind his lanky figure. Ash and Mikey share a glance, and I sit back in the sofa next to Calum. They seem very calm, but I'm sweating like a sinner in church. She's going to ask me a question, right?

Duh, why else would I be here.

"Calum, this question was inspired by the fans. Is it true that you've taken up smoking now? The 5 es oh ess fam is dying to know."

Each one of the boys cringes at the use of 5 es oh ess, obviously it should be pronounced 5sauce. Not like this bimbo would know anyways.

"Uh, well it's not like a habit or anything but I...Um...i guess I enjoy a smoke sometimes. I haven't really-"

I interrupt, seeing that watching Calum crash and burn over this question is painful enough.

"I think what he means to say is that he enjoys a smoke like people enjoy a drink. Once in a while, and just for enjoyment."

I sit there in my uncomfortable bodycon dress and clear my throat. I didn't mean to sound so blunt, but it just kind of came out. Who cares if Calum smokes? It's nobody's business but his.

"You're Valentina, correct? Tell me what it's been like living with the boys so far. Any romance with one of these cuties?" She asks.

I'm not sure how to respond.

"I, well, it's been really great so far. these guys are so nice and fun, I never have a dull moment. Most Of it's just been chilling or going to shows, not anything too crazy. As for romance..." I trail off looking at the boys. Ashton looks like he's about to die from laughter, Mikey looks like he's sick, Luke looks bored and Calum looks interested in my response.

"It's safe to say these guys are my favorite dudes I've met."

A look of disappointment washes over the interviewers face, and she quickly moves onto other questions for the boys. That was simple, wasn't it? No complex questions, no stupid answers. I survived my first, and probably last interview ever.

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