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Has Michael Clifford always been the most annoying creature on the planet? Because it sure as hell feels that way.

"Val! I fucking knew it. You said he was just your friend but I knew better, didn't I Calum?"

Calum moves from his spot on the couch to join Michael in torturing me.

"How did it go again?" He asks Michael.
"Ollie, Ollie, oh my god."
Michael reenacts the sounds I was making just ten minutes ago, before Ollie left.

"Guys, shut up. It was nothing and I'd appreciate if you'd forget about whatever happened between him and I," I say hoping to change the subject.

I don't understand why I even kissed Ollie, I'm pretty sure it was a mistake.
Here's the thing: he kissed me first. Which means he got sick of being my friend and wants more, but I'm not sure if I want that.

Being in a relationship with Ollie could totally ruin our amazing friendship, and not only that but I was also just in an intense relationship a month and a half ago.

Do I really want to go through that again?

"Val, Earth to Val..." Michaels voice interrupts my thoughts.

"Guys, he is my friend. I think that's all he should be too," I say.

Luke and Ash simultaneously walk into the living room and sit on the couch, directly across from Calum and I. They stare at me in anticipation, like an eager fangirl waiting for a new fanfic chapter on wattpad.

"Can you not see he's like, in love with you? I mean, he used tongue and that's an understatement itself. You guys are soulmates and I refuse to believe anything else," Ashton responds.

I'm not exactly sure what to make of his use of the word soulmate but I choose to ignore it. It was pretty embarrassing for Ash to open the door with Cal and Luke behind him only to find Ollie and I in the middle of making out.

"Look guys, you didn't know me before when I was with Ryan. Dating him kind of sucked the life out of me. I wasnt fiesty and confident, I was just boring. If I get in another relationship then that means I'll be going back to that and I just cant do that to myself."

"But Val, he's your best friend it won't be like that at all, I promise." Michaels voice pleads with me, making me question my decisions.

I sigh. Michael obviously hasn't had a lot of experience with dating friends, has he?

"Mike. It's not happening. I'm going to text Ollie right now and tell him it was all a mistake."

I grab my phone out of my back pocket, ready to let Ollie down easy. Calum sees and leaps across Michael to snatch the phone out of my hand making me jump.

"Dammit Calum! Give me my phone!"

He gets up off the couch and runs to a separate hallway in the house, and I chase after him.

When I reach him, he's in the recording room trying to hide my phone.

"Calum! Give. Me. The. Phone."

He just grins, making his cute chubby cheeks squish. I roll my eyes and run after him, jumping over the small couch and ducking under the microphones.

I almost catch up with him when he stops running altogether. I smack right into Calum, my face planting right to his chest.

This causes us to fall on the floor, and I somehow manage to pin him down. Just like in the pool, our faces are just centimeters away and I feel the heat creep onto my cheeks quickly. Damn.

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