update info*

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it's ur local Luke stan here to inform u that I will be updating pretty soon if not by next week. I know it's been what...like a month? 3 weeks? Idk.

Either way, I've been kinda lazy with this story bc I have a shitload of hw every night for some godforsaken reason???

And life happens too so I mean that's why it's been so long.

Anywaysss, I want to thank anyone reading this bc it took a lot for me to work up the courage to put my writing out there, even if it's shitty and could use a lot of editing. Almost 650 views, which isn't a lot, but it matters to me.

Regardless, Val is here for u and will be back to her usual irritating self soon (something we have in common ngl) and the story will be wrapping up in a few more chapters-

Also: in 5sos news

Luke and Arzaylea/honestly I was kinda sad for 2.5 seconds and then I was over it bc leT HIM LIVE JFC GUYS!!! all the drama about it is really lame like excuse me why don't u go shit on someone else's personal life thank u

Jet Black Heart/ def not new but I love it so fucking much it's a great song with deep lyrics and the rhythm section is so alive I want to cry for cashton

End of Rowyso/ makes me emo af ok Malum in Florida and Lashton in Cali got me confused...like wyd out there guys don't u wanna go home

Money/ not really as deep as the other songs but I literally love it like what a great opening song for the album all catchy and stuff this is quality content

most of all pre order Sounds Good Feels Good on ITunes now


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