love letters

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WARNING: This chapter includes depression, anxiety and gayness. 

Catra asked to see the letters i wrote to her when we were separated. At first i didn't want her to see them because they are embarrassing. But i saw the look in her eyes. She looked like she wanted to ask me this for a long time. I sigh as i said "You can but don't laugh at me if they are embarrassing!" Catra looks up at me with stars in her eyes. "I promise I won't!" She said while excitingly jumping around. I go to grab all the letters i had. I wrote them when I was about seven to when i was thirteen. There were a lot of letters. I grab the whole staple and drop them down on the bed. Catra starts looking through them. There were at least three hundred of them. "It starts from here." I told her as i pointed to where all the letters started. She hesitantly grabs the first one. 

Dear Catra! 

Today you got adopted. I am happy for u. I hope i get adopted. But i miss u! i never sleep without you so its hard. shadow weaver said i couldt write to u but i realy wanted to. i hope we can find each other in the future. maybe ur mom can adopt me to. lonnie is still here with me but you are my best friend so i miss you. when i am big we will meet i promise. and then we can live together in a mansion! shadow weaver wil get mad if she catches me writing so bye!

As I was reading what seven year old Adora wrote to me tears started forming on my face. When i left her I missed her too. I think I cried for months hoping i could get to see her again. She said in the letter that when she's big we will meet someday. She promised. And we did, here we are both laying on her bed as i'm reading this. I look over to Adora who was now also crying a bit. A soft smile came on my face as a i put a hand on her shoulder. "And we did meet." I said while tears started falling from my eyes. Adora pulled me in to a hug as i hugged her back. She wrapped her hands around my waist as i shoved my face in the crook of her neck. I could feel her tears falling on my back. I pulled away and looked at Adora who had puffy red eyes. I put my finger on her cheek as i wiped her tears away. "I'm so happy we did." I said to her while smiling. She returned the gesture by giving me a soft and warm smile. "Catra i love you." Adora said while looking back at me. "I love you too." I said to her while pulling her into a kiss. It wasn't like our other ones. This one was a soft and warm kiss. We both pulled away as i looked back at all the cards that were scattered over. She picked up the next one as she wiped her tears away. 

It stayed like that for hours. Catra reading the letters Adora had wrote to her when she was younger. Both of them crying and laughing as they read them. Throughout the years Catra had noticed Adora's letters getting more and more depressing. By when she was twelve she wrote about how she got diagnosed with depression and Shadow Weaver hated her for it. Adora wrote about everything, her day, her struggles and just her feelings. And then came the last letter Adora had ever wrote for Catra. 

Hey Catra.

I don't even know why i'm still writing these. I guess it helps me even tho Shadow Weaver told me i'm just being stupid. I know i will never see you again and i guess i have learned to deal with that. My depression and anxiety has gotten worse. Shadow weaver fucking hates me. I've been in and out of homes as many times as i can remember. It's hard being here without you. You always called me a idiot and i am. I'm still writing to you after all these years and i have lost hope. I'm never gonna find you again Catra. But i wanted you to know something. I figured it out a few days ago when the older cadets were talking. I think i love you. But i lost you. And i'm sorry but for the last time 

Goodbye Catra,

As i read that my heart dropped. She loved me since we were kids? It hurts me so much knowing i couldn't be there for her. It hurts me so much hearing her say her depression and anxiety have gotten worse. It just hurt me. I shakily put the paper down as i covered my mouth. I felt tears beginning to drop from my face.  My breathing started to get heavier as more of the tears started flowing down. Then i felt Adora put a hand on my shoulder. "Catra.." She said trailing off. Soon enough she pushed me down as she hugged me. Both tears falling down our faces. "Catra without you i was lost, i was sad and i wasn't complete. But when i saw your face again everything suddenly turned around. It's because your my soulmate." Adora said while snickering. "Adora without you i felt incomplete. But when i saw that beautiful face of your again i suddenly became happy. It's because your also my soulmate." I said while still crying in the crook of her neck. She put her hand on my face as she looked in my eyes. Those gorgeous ocean blue eyes i can't seem to get enough of. Soon enough she pressed our lips together as i put my hand on her neck. We stayed like that for a few seconds until she pulled away. "I'm so lucky to have you Catra." She said with a soft smile on her face. "I am too Adora." I said while returning the gesture and wiping the tears off my face. I pulled her into a hug. We pushed some of the letters at the side and we laid down embracing each others scent. Before falling asleep i heard her whisper to me "Your my kitty." 

The whole night was just a bunch of emotions. Looking into Catra's eyes i could see it hurt her reading those letters that i had written to her. I ment everything i said. Catra was my soulmate. I'd be lost without her. I promised her in my first letter that i would meet her again someday and i did. Here she is all cuddled up in my neck. She means everything to me and i'm glad that i can call her my girlfriend. I whisper "Your my kitty." right before she drifted off to sleep. It was late and i should be going to sleep but i couldn't help but smile at how cute she looked sleeping. That was the last thought i had before drifting to sleep.

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