Finally at home

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It was a rainy morning. Adora woke up from someone constantly knocking on the door. It was Shadow Weaver. Shadow Weaver is the person who runs who adoption center that Adora is in right now. She's been here since she was 3. She's been stuck in this place for 14 years. She has watched kids come and go but no one wanted to adopt her yet. "Adora! Hurry up and get dressed people are gonna be here to see you. Don't embarrass me." Shadow Weaver said through the door. "What's the point?" Adora thought. They are just gonna make me come back after a few months. She groaned as she got up from her bed. She looked through her closet and picked out a simple oversized sweater with some jeans. She had already packed from the night before so she would just have to get ready. Adora hopped in the shower and got ready.             

 I came downstairs and saw a tall and slender woman. She had purple and pink hair. I don't really pay attention or focus on the person that fosters me but this woman caught my attention. Her eyes were warm and kind. Which is not something i see a lot. I waved at her and said "Hello, i'm Adora." even if she already knew that. "Hello dear, I am Angella i'll be your foster mom." Her voice sounded so calm and kind. For the first time i kind of had hope. I said goodbye to Shadow Weaver and i followed Angella back to her car. It was such a gorgeous car. It was white and had more seats than a usual car. Once we got in Angella starts playing some music. "The people there said i should ask about your interest. So what are your interests Adora?" The woman seemed kind of nervous. I knew she was new at this. "I like to read, play the ukulele and draw." I said. "You're new at this?" I asked her. She looked back a bit nervous and said "Yeah, i'm sorry it's my first time and i don't really know what to do." I laugh at the woman's response. "You're doing a better job than most people dont be nervous. But if i can ask what made you want to foster a teenager? People normally don't because they say we are difficult to take care of." Angella looked back at me smiling. "I have a daughter, her name is Glimmer and she's about your age. And i think you two would get along pretty well." She said that with such a kind smile. If i was being honest i was kind of excited for a sort of sister. I never actually had one while being fostered. 

About twenty minutes later we had arrived to Angella's house. Me and Angella talked throughout the whole car ride. That was very unusual i normally don't bother myself to talk to the person who's fostering me. When we arrived i looked around and the house was so huge. "Holy fuck." I said while looking around. "Oh i'm so sorry i didn't mean to say that!" Angella looked down at me. I expected it to be a strict or angry look but no it was just the usual kind look. "It's okay Adora i don't really mind it." She said while smiling. She was so different from the rest. We start going in the house, the halls were huge it was so pretty. "Glimmer! Adora's here!" Angella said while looking nervous. I look back in the hallway to see a short girl with purple and pink hair running towards me. "Hello i'm Glimmer! It's soo nice to meet you Adora." The pinked haired girl said to me. "Hi Glimmer, i'm Adora." She looked so sweet she had a very bubbly character. "My apologies Adora. Glimmer is very excited to finally meet you. She has been waiting days for this." I giggle and say "It's alright don't worry about it." Angella smiles and asked me "Have you eaten yet? me and Glimmer were just about to sit down and eat while watching a movie." "I haven't yet" I said while holding my stomach. "Okay the dinner will be ready in a few but till then how about i show you to your room and you settle in." Angella said with a soft look on her face. I agreed and Angella showed me to my room. It was so much bigger than i expected." It had a huge bed and there were windows everywhere. "I hope you like it Adora." Angella said to me. "I love it thank you!" i said while smiling. "Well i'll let you get settled in, i'll call you when dinners ready." she said as she left the room. I looked around once again. The room was really big it even had a bathroom attached to it. I put my bag on the floor and unpack a few things. I never really unpack everything since i normally don't stay often but this time i decided to unpack a few things. About 5 minutes passed and then i heard a knock on my door. I see a short girl with with pink hair walk in. It was Glimmer. "Hi Adora, my mom said not to come in here but i was too excited." she said with a huge smile on her face. "Oh hi Glimmer, It's okay don't worry." She sat down next to me. It was silent for a few seconds until she spoke up "I know you must be nervous because normally foster parents don't keep children for too long. But i can reassure you that you aren't going anywhere for now. I was surprised at what she was saying. Not in a bad way. I know it had only been a few hours since i've known these people but for the first time in a really long time i felt loved. Eventually me and Glimmer started talking. We found out that we had a lot in common. For instant we both like the same type of music. We both like to draw and read. A few minutes have passed and i hear another knock at the door. It was Angella, she walked in and said "Dinner's ready." Me and Glimmer both head out. Angella made some pizza. As we ate she looked over to me and asked "So Adora, i enrolled you to the school Glimmer is going too. You'll be starting next week. Is that okay with you?" I don't normally get an option so i was quite shocked. "Oh yeah that's fine with me." Angella nodded and said "Me and Glimmer thought it would be nice for us to go the the mall and buy you some stuff. Like clothes, school supplies and whatever you would like." I almost spat out my pizza. They are taking me shopping? no one has ever done that before. "Oh no it's okay i don't want you wasting your money." Angella laughed and said "Adora, honestly it's totally fine i would love to take you out shopping." "If you say so then i'm okay with it." i said to her. I didn't want to seem rude so i agreed to go. We finished eating a few minutes later. "Do you want to watch a movie?" Glimmer asked me. "That's fine with me!" i said. Wow this family really is something. I mean taking me shopping and giving me options? I have a good feeling about this.

A few days had passed and me, Angella and Glimmer have gotten along really well. We played some games, we watched movies and like they told me we went to the mall. They bought me a lot of clothes, school supplies and some decorations for my room. I was really starting to like it here. 

Me and Glimmer were in my room just hanging out. I've gotten really close with her these past few days. We were watching the show "The owl house" on my tv. I still couldn't believe but yes i had a tv in my room! We were watching the owl house on my bed. Glimmer was just laying next to me. "Adora are you excited for your first day of school tomorrow?" Glimmer asks. "A little bit but also nervous i guess. Glimmer looked at Adora and said "Don't worry! You'll even get to meet my friend Bow i've talked about." "Oh your boyfriend?" i said with a grin on my face. I saw her face immediately go red as she started saying "W-What no i don't like him!" I laugh and say "Yeah sure whatever you tell yourself." A few minutes passed and then suddenly she saw a little cat plush. Glimmer grabbed it and asked "Who's this little guy?" I look over to what she's holding. It was the gift Catra had given to me on my 8th birthday. Catra was my best friend while we were in the Adoption center. We were inseparable. That was until Catra got adopted and i didn't. I still remember the scene of her trying to run out of Shadow Weaver's arm to get to me. She was screaming and crying. I was as well. Before she left the last thing she said to me was "Adoraa! don't worry we will meet again one day." After that i had no one left. No one wanted to adopt me. I wrote letters to Catra but Shadow Weaver wouldn't let me send them to her. Since then i've lost hope that we would ever see each other again. "Adoraaa? are u okay? You've been zoned out for like two minutes." Glimmer said while waving her hand across my face. I quickly straighten myself up again and looked at Glimmer. "That was the gift my friend had given me on my 8th birthday. A week before she left." Glimmer quickly started panicking. "Oh my god i am so sorry Adora." I look up at Glimmer and say "It's okay don't worry about it." We were about to continue watching the show until Angella came into the room and said "Girls you have to get to bed, remember Adora you have your first day of school tommorrow." Shit shes right. Me and Glimmer both agree and Glimmer goes back into our room. I was already ready for bed so i just said goodnight to Angella and Glimmer and head to bed. Tomorrow is gonna be a big day. It's my first day of school. I'm kind of nervous but i'll have Glimmer with me so i'll be fine. I thought to myself before drifting of into sleep.

Author's note:

Heyy thank you for reading this! This is the second book i'm coming out with. I already started on the book "falling for you all over again." and in my opinion it did really well so i decided to release another one. For the past week i'll be updating my books randomly because i don't have school but when my school starts again i'll atleast make sure to update once every two days or more.

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