couldnt get sleep

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WARNING: Mentions of sex and making out.

Yesterday was just wow. Me and Catra both confessed our love for each other and now we are dating. Don't even remind me about the sex. I thought sex was gross at first but now that me and Catra have done it i see it so differently. Just like i've imagined but even better. Me and Catra doing things to each other we wouldn't do to anyone else. The feeling of our naked bodies pressed up against each other. One day me and Catra were bestfriends and the next we fucked, confessed our love and we are now dating. How the fuck do i even tell people about this? I know Glimmer already knows because i saw her teasing Catra which was really cute. I just felt so safe with Catra. Never wanting the moment to end.


I still can't believe what had just happened. One second ago me and Adora were bestfriends and the next we are fucking dating. And the sex oh my god. I've had it a couple of times with other people but it never felt like what me and Adora just did. It felt amazing, i wish it could've never end. Our naked bodies pressed up against each other for warmth. Hearing her scream my name like that. Knowing that i've pleasured the one i love the most. Hearing her say that she loved me back. Us doing things to each other that we would never do to someone else. Her hot breathing down on the neck. The safe feeling i get when i'm with her.

Catra and Adora's thoughts were interrupted by Glimmer slamming the door open and saying "School starts in fifte-." She got cutoff by her jaw dropping to the ground. She stood there for like ten seconds looking at the two naked girls under the covers. Before she leaves she says "Oh shit." and gets out. Adora and Catra laugh at the girl who was now traumatized. "Fuck school starts in 15 minutes." Adora said as she tried to get up. Catra pulled her back and said "Stayy." while groaning. Adora groans and tries to stand up but she couldn't walk. "Catra i can't fucking walk." she says while covering her mouth. Catra tries to get up and she could walk a little more. Slowly Catra walks over to Adora and helps her walk over to the bathroom. "How am i gonna shower if i can't even walk?" Adora says while groaning. "I can help you." Catra says with a dirty look. "Catra you horny mf." Adora says. "I'll shower and you can wait outside." Adora said with a grin. She goes in the bathroom while Catra goes back on the bed. Adora doesn't close the bathroom door and starts taking her clothes off. Catra eyes were all over her body. The body that she had control of yesterday night. "You like what you see?" Adora says while smirking at the brunette. "I do." Catra says while giving her a smug look. Adora got in the shower and Catra couldn't quite see her anymore. She got her phone and looked in the camera. "Fuck." She whispered underneath her breathe realizing she had hickeys all over her. A few moments later Adora walked out wearing Catra's hoodie with a tube top underneath. "Adora your neck." Catra said. Adora looked confused and then went to check in the mirror and to her horror she had hickeys all over her. "Fuck." she whispered. Catra got up from the bed and went in the shower. In the angle Adora was in she could see Catra's naked body. Catra got in the shower and closed the curtains to where you can still see the outline of her body. Adora quickly straightened herself out (not rly she gay af) she grabbed some foundation and covered it up. It looked fine. Catra got out wearing Adora's hoodie fully zipped up with some jeans. Catra didn't have foundation in her color so she put some bandaids on them. "Ready to go princess?" Catra asked Adora with a smirk. "Yes kitty." She answers as she held Catra's hand. They walked out to see Glimmer and Bow waiting for them. "Oh shit they holding hands." Bow said while junping up and down. Catra rolled her eyes as put their bags in Glimmer's car since it couldn't find in her motorcycle. She put their bags and then they hopped on the motorcycle. Catra put Adora's helmet on and turned back to start the motorcycle. Adora wrapped her arms around Catra's waist and pulled her closer to her. Catra could feel butterflies in her stomach. It felt great knowing i can actually call Adora my girlfriend now.

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