It's like it used to be

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The two girls finally made it to where Adora was living. Adora got off and was sweating and feeling nervous because of having to putting her arms around Catra's waist but she just brushed it off. Catra noticed Adora sweating and panting and said "Woahh am i that bad of a driver?" Adora holds on to the motorcycle and says "N-No just never been on one." They both walked in and saw Glimmer and Bow on the couch watching a movie. They walked over to them and said "Hey guys." Glimmer smiled and waved as she continued to watch a movie. Adora and Catra decided to just go in Adora's room since they seemed to be busy. "Holy shit it's huge in here." Catra said while looking around the room. "I know right i was so shocked when i got this." Catra goes over to Adora's bed and jumps on it. She sees a little kitten plush and says "You still have Luz?" She grabs it and takes a good look at it. Adora was clearly embarrassed that she left that out "Yeah i kept her." "Awh that's so cute." Catra says in a teasing tone. "Shut up." Adora says while clearly embarrassed. Adora goes to sit next to Catra and it's quiet for a while. "God i've really missed this." Catra says while covering her blushing face. "Me too. I swear i tried to find you so many times but i just couldn't." "I tried too but i couldn't get in contact." Catra says while still covering her face. "Do you want to watch a movie?" Adora asks while almost laying next to Catra. "Yeah sure, what movie?" "Since you are the guest i think you have to pick." Adora says with a grin on her face. "Fine how about fear street?" "Are you serious you just had to pick a horror movie?" Adora says while rolling her eyes. "Awh your not so big and strong anymore huh?" Catra said in a teasing voice. Adora rolls her eyes at her. They both agreed and started watching the movie. Already in the first few minutes of the movie Heather gets killed and Adora then jumps into Catra's arms. "Oh i'm sorry." Adora said while trying to cover her face full of embarrassment. "Don't be." Catra just said with a relaxing tone. Adora didn't want to move so it will be awkward so she just stayed there. Later on Adora was just watching normally she would occasionally get scared but it was fine. 

Adora's POV:

Then came Deena's and Sam's make-out moment. Catra looked like she was unbothered but i was practically freaking out. "You have a good taste in movies." I said with slight grin on my face. Catra laughs then says "Yeah, my favorite part of the movie so far." so calmly. Favorite part of the movie what does that mean? For some reason i imagined me and Catra in that position but quickly brushed it off as soon as the scene was over. I have no idea why i imagined myself in that position with her. It's probably just because the characters looked like us a bit? 

Catra's POV:

The movie was going good until that one scene from Deena and Sam came. I glanced to Adora who was clearly freaking out a bit. I was embarrassed because i didn't know this was gonna happen. I mean what if i put her in a uncomfortable position? My thoughts were interrupted by Adora saying "You have good taste in movies." She had a little grin on her face. What did she even mean by that? Without thinking i just said "Yeah, my favorite part of the movie so far." Why did i say that? As i continued watching the scene i couldn't help but imagine me and Adora in that position. Why did i imagine us like that? Maybe just because the characters looked a bit like us? I don't know what i'm thinking but thank god the scene was over now.

The rest of the movie went fine. Of course Adora had to jump in Catra's arms from time to time because she was scared. The last few minutes Adora was basically hiding under the blanket in Catra's arms. She was really scared and not a big fan of horror movies. 

"Adora, the movie ended five minutes ago." Catra said while lifting the blanket up so she could see Adora.

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