Talk dirty to me

365 9 17

WARNING: Mentions of blood and sex.

Me and Catra woke up to my alarm going off. Shit we had school today. I groan as i sat up trying to set off my alarm when Catra pulled me back. "Comfy." She said while groaning. "We have school." I said while rolling my eyes and setting off my alarm. I lay back for a bit looking at Catra sleeping. I swear she slept like a baby, all curled up. She looked so cute when sleeping. "I can feel you staring at me." She says while opening her eyes. "You sleep like a baby." I said while rolling my eyes and getting off. "I don't want to go Adoraa." She says while rubbing her eyes. "Catra we already had a break, we have to go." i said while walking towards my closet. We didn't necessarily have a break but because of the events that have happened we got a two week break. I'm sure everyone had heard about it by now. I'm pretty sure the police took pictures and the news let out a article or something. I'm pretty scared about how it's gonna go but we have to go. I grab some clothes and head to the bathroom. Before closing the door i say "When i'm done it's your turn dork." "Only i can call you that." Catra says with a smug look on her face.


It's not that i didn't want to go to school because i hate it. It's because i'm pretty sure people have heard about what happened and maybe even seen the pictures. It's fine tho because i have all my classes with Adora surprisingly. I have gotten a bunch of dm's of people asking me if i'm okay or wishing me the best. I know they are trying to be nice but every time i think about what happened it makes me feel sick. Seeing Adora's bloody body up against me with her hand on my cheek telling me it's gonna be okay just felt horrible. Knowing what she had to go through for me. I keep seeing Glimmer, Angella and even Bow's face when they saw us like that. What i still think about is Angella. She wasn't only looking at Adora with that face. She was also looking at me. She looked like she cared about me. It has never happened before when a adult actually cared for me. My thoughts were interrupted by Adora walking out of the bathroom. She was wearing MY hoodie with some jeans. She looked very pretty i must add. "Awh you're even wearing my hoodie to school?" I said while looking at Adora with stars in my eyes. "Shut it." She said while hiding her embarrassed face. She sits down on a chair and brushes her hair out. I went in the bathroom to get ready.


I'm wearing Catra's hoodie because it smells nice okay? That's not weird at all. Her smell was very comforting. As i was brushing my hair i couldn't help but wonder 'what are people gonna think of us when we walk in?' I'm scared but i have all my classes with Catra conveniently. And i'll have my friends by my side. But i'm mostly worried for Catra. I'm pretty sure people have seen the pictures of me and Catra's bloody bodies. The picture i saw was one of Catra's body laying down covered in blood and me stroking my hand over her face. It looked like we were about to kiss. I would've want that if we weren't bloody and about to die. Catra then walked out wearing MY hoodie with some jeans. When she gave me my hoodie back it was covered in her blood which was painful to see but we managed to get it off. After that she forced me to wear it a few hours so it would smell like me again. Catra then gave me a smirk while heading to do her hair. "Am i that irresistible?" I said with a grin on my face. "High ego i see." She says while still brushing her hair. Catra's hair was still wild as when we were younger. But she now managed to keep it flat. She wore her hair in a pony tail and looked at her phone. She didn't have a mirror by her so i could see her in her phone camera fixing her septum. I always knew that when Catra was older she would get piercings and i was right. I never thought about getting some myself. I had some on my ears but not as many as her. I got up from my chair and got my backpack. "You ready?" I asked her. Catra nodded and put her brush down and she grabbed her bag and walked towards me. Even if it was just for school she looked so pretty. We went outside to see Glimmer and Bow waiting for us. "Wearing each others hoodies i see?" Glimmer says with a raised brow. We rolled our eyes as we walked outside with them. We decided to take Catra's motorcycle because well i have an excuse to grab her waist. I got on and Catra got the helmet. She stared at it for a few seconds before saying "Just wait i have another one in my room." I know why she said that. That was the helmet i used to knock Prime out. She came back and handed me another helmet. She carefully put it on me and i couldn't help but blush. When she was done she said "Hold on to my waist." I nod and say "Yes!" while grabbing onto her waist. "I bet you like that don't you?" She said in a mesmerizing tone. "Wha-" I got cut off my Catra starting the motorcycle. What did she mean by that? Oh my god. Was she- flirting with me? She's making it so hard not to like her.

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