♡ Chapter 13 - It's Go Time ♡

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• Felix's POV •

"Everybody remembers the plan?" I asked through the headpiece in a calm, but assertive way. After receiving multiple 'Yes sir!' And 'Yes boss' I started the countdown.

"It's gonna be alright, love." I looked over to Alaina, who nodded and rushed over to the left wing of the warehouse.

• No one's POV •

It had started, the attack had begun.

The explosions had taken place, one by one.





They were now distracted.

It gave the left and front team the perfect opportunity to strike, just as according to plan. And so, they did.

And everything was going according to plan. They got the money, the prisoners, the tech, everything was immediately being redirected to a safe base. Now there was only one thing left to do while the others were fighting off the gang, taking down their leader. And that's what Felix did.

He waltzed through the halls stopping right in front of Yeonjun's office.


Alaina was using all the knowledge she had gotten from Minho's lessons to fight off any soul on her way when the first shot was heard in the distance. '3 more to go.' She thought to herself as she counted the shots recalling the plan.





Five shots?

This sent shivers down her spine. This wasn't on the plan. So she ran.

She ran across every hallway searching for that office. Soon she found it, busting through the doors to find a scene she never wanted to see. Yeonjun smiling like a maniac clutching his bleeding shoulder and Felix on his knees, holding his stomach that was oozing blood.

"How could you?" She said through gritted teeth.

"This is quite fun, don't you think, miss Kang?" He responded laughing. That's when she picked up the gun by Felix's side and pointed it straight at him, her fear of weapons long forgotten.

"I hope you'll take your last breath thinking about all the ones you took away." And with that she pulled the trigger.


She shot him at the exact spot he shot Felix, soon dropping the weapon and rushing to his side just as Seungmin ran in the room, leaving as fast as he came to look for help.

It was happening again.

She saw it before in her dreams.

Him clutching his stomach, down on his knees. Her holding him in her arms crying. Him wiping her tears telling her that he loves her. This couldn't be happening, it couldn't.

But it was.

"Lixie please, stay with me bubba l, okay?" She repeated holding him close.

He slightly opened his eyes and cupped her face gently. "I want you to take my place love, and live your life to the fullest, ok? Don't let me hold you down. I love you, princess."

And for the rest of the night he sang to her.

"You are my sunshine,"
as he was carried out of the room.

"My only sunshine."
As he was laid in the ambulance.

"You make me happy,"
as the drive seemed getting longer by the minute.

"When skies are grey."
As the ambulance parked in front of the hospital.

"You'll never know dear,"
as he was dragged inside.

"How much I love you."
As doctors rushed in the room.

"So please don't take... my sunshine... away."
As he was hooked up to cords and machines, and as she finally was kicked out of the room.


Don't worry, I won't kill him off, things are going according to my plan, but just cry with me a little here :)

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