♡Chapter 2 - Necklaces and Mafias♡

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Waiting in line in a bank is the most boring thing EVER, but after what seemed like forever I actually managed to get some money. Since I couldn't afford to pay Gina rent, I thought about buying her a pretty necklace since she's really into her accessories. I found a small jewelry shop, that seemed to be very vintage and sophisticated, I walked in and throughly searched the whole entire store, but my luck seemed to be drained from me.

On the lookout for the perfect necklace, my legs began to get really tired, so to kill time I just starred at my phone sitting on a small couch in the corner of the shop. While blasting "Fancy" by TWICE on my earphones ( A/N: stan TWICE ya'll ) I felt as if I were in my own little world, headboping to the song completely ignoring my suroundings, that is until I heard screams.

I quickly turned around to see 5 men in all-black suits, with their faces half covered. Some waved people over to the corners, while others stuffed jewelries in suitcases. I don't know why, but somehow I wasn't startled by any of this. It could've been because I was tired, or maybe I've just about enough stress the past week, regardless, I just sat at the couch watching everything unroll in front of me.

'Maybe if I don't move, they won't see me...' I thought to myself, as if they were some sort of stupid blind dinossaurs. But surely enough, it didn't take long for them to spot me in the corner, and as I prepared for the worst the two that spotted me started do back away and whisper to one another. 'What, do I look that much of a mess?' I thought to myself, standing up. I got up on my feet and I swear I saw one of them flinch a little. The one on the left walked towards who seemed to be the one in charge of the robbery while the other man just stared into my soul, like c'mon, take a picture, it'll last longer.

Something was whispered into the leader's ear and if he turned back to look any faster his neck would've snapped in half. He glared at me. He glared as if he were studying my face, looking for something. After a few seconds I started to feel uncomfortable, and I think he noticed, as he started walking towards me whilst lowering his gun. "Excuse me, are you miss Kang Alaina?" He asked in a sweet tone.

"Um, y-yes? H-how did you know?" I answered in a shaky voice, feeling my hands tremble and my legs weaken.

"Wow! It's so nice to finally meet you! Although I wish it were under better circumstances. Anyways, I'm Lee Minho." He said with a little bow. I copied his actions, still shaking from all that was going on around me.

"You still haven't answered my question..." 

"Oh right, well... it's kinda hard to explain... but to keep it simple, we're part of a huge mafia in Korea, and you're on the very top of the boss' 'No Harm' list..."

"No Harm' list? As in people to not hurt under like, any circumstances?"

"Precisely!" I wondered why, why of all people am I on the top of this list? Could it be someone I've helped, or simply met somewhere? 

"But why? Why me?" I was feeling much calmer as the conversation went by, so I asked showing how intrigued I was.

"Well, according to him, you're his soulmate."

His... soulmate..?



Heeey! Chapter 2 is here, and I wanted to leave it in kind of a cliffhanger, just because *lol*. But anywho, I've got a lot coming at ya, and I am really excited!

Next chapter will probably come out somewhere next week, and it will be when I introduce the whole "soulmate au" so stay tuned for that!

But enough babbling, hope you have a great day, and stay safe!

And stream 'Going Dumb' you coward.

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