Treehouse - Horror

Start from the beginning

Cross tossed the vine away, grinning. "Alright! Here we are!" Horror looked up, his eye widening. There was a house in that tree! He looked up at Cross, practically vibrating with excitement. "w..wanna g..g.go!" Cross pulled him up to the tree, letting him go to pick up a long stick. "Alright, come stand behind me." Horror hurried to do as he said, ducking behind him. Cross hefted the branch up, his tongue poking out.

He snagged a loop of rope dangling from the tree, tugging on it. Horror jumped back as something fell down, rolling out until it jerked to a stop. Cross dropped the branch, his hands on his hips. "Okay! We can go in now!" Horror perked up, bouncing on his toes. Cross showed him how to climb, guiding him up the long string of sticks, which he called a ladder, and soon, Horror was peeking off the edge of the treehouse. "w..woah.. s...s-so h..high..."

Cross pulled him away from the side, "It's so much cooler inside." He held open a door, waiting. Horror crawled inside quickly, sitting on his knees. Cross sat beside him, closing the door. He started to give a tour, words pouring out too fast again. Horror didn't mind this time, though. He nodded along to every word.


"You're so slow, Nightmare," Killer complained for the fifth time. Nightmare didn't bother answering, instead making sure Dream hadn't wandered off again. His twin blinked back at him, that dumb smile on his face. Nightmare scoffed, yanking on his arm to make him catch up. "I'm not slow, Dream is."

Dream stumbled audibly, his voice whiny. "Niiight, that's not niceee." Nightmare yanked on him again, just to be mean, and then let go of Dream's wrist. "I'm not a nice guy." Dream didn't answer, probably pouting. Killer gave Nightmare a grin, his expression amused. "Cross thinks you're nice."

"That's because he's dumb as rocks." Killer frowned, "No he's not." Nightmare spared another glance over his shoulder, "Yes he is. Have you seen that treehouse of his?" Killer scowled, kicking dirt at Nightmare, "You're the one who's stupid. Cross is smart and cool. Besides, you wouldn't say that to his face." Nightmare wrapped a tentacle around Dream's wrist again, keeping him from poking a vine. "Watch me."

Dream pinched the tentacle, "If you do that, I'll throw out your fish." Nightmare hissed, ripping his tentacle away and smacking Dream with another. "Fuck off." Killer threw a stick at him, sticking his tongue out. "Bitch." Nightmare bristled, his tentacles spiking. Killer ducked as one shot out, cackling. "Missed me~" He dodged another, calling out smugly, "Missed me again!" He took off down the path and out of reach. Nightmare growled, hurling whatever he could get his tentacles on after him.

Dream laughed, jogging away as well. "Now who's slow, brother?" Nightmare lashed out at him, Dream dodging easily. He broke into a sprint, following after Killer and leaving Nightmare to swear at nothing. Nightmare grit his teeth, stomping after them. He'd show them. Scowling, Nightmare veered off the path, taking a shortcut through the mess of branches and trees.

Dream shrieked as Nightmare emerged from between some trees, tripping over his own feet and falling flat on the ground. Killer came up behind him, breathing heavily. "Dream," he wheezed, "is so fast." Nightmare kicked his brother, not too hard, and grabbed him. Dream yelped as he was lifted off the ground. "Woah-!" Killer had been picked up as well. The two of them squirmed in Nightmare's hold, attempting to wiggle their way out of his tentacle. He gave them a warning squeeze, and they fell still. Dream went limp, sighing loudly.

The rest of the trip went by pretty fast. Nightmare eventually caught sight of that rickety thing Cross called a treehouse through the trees. He dropped Killer and Dream, leaving them in heaps on the ground, making straight for the clearing. "Night-!" He ignored them, speedwalking away. Dream caught up quickly, dashing past with a laugh, and then Killer came by as well, though he slowed down. Dream stopped below the treehouse, looking up at it.

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