Chapter 14

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The next match was going to be held but first there was a break for the crowd to go to the rest room or buy snacks and drinks. With this break Natsu told us some distressing news, a bunch of bandits had tried to kidnap Wendy when they were after me. They were supposedly hired by Raven Tail but I had my doubts.
"What's on your mind Lucy?" Erza asked once Natsu finished.
"The bandits said they were after me and that they had been hired by Raven Tail but I don't think that's true" I said with a sigh and rubbing my temples.
"What do you mean Luce?" Natsu questioned.
"Raven Tail wouldn't hire people to kidnap someone; they would do it themselves. You have to remember that they have someone on their team that can nullify magic. Someone did hire those bandits but it wasn't Raven Tail, they know not to target me directly after their last confrontation with me" I said my eyes hardened in a glare.
"What happened last time?" Gray asked.
"She beat the whole guild so badly that they had to be put in the hospital's magic care. They almost didn't recover" Midnight said and I shuttered. I still didn't like thinking back on what I had done but I had no choice, they were attacking my friends and family so I had to do something about it.
"Either way we should keep an open mind. Maybe it was Raven tail but it also could be someone else, I'm going to meet up with someone after today's games and find out what I can" I told them and they nodded. We all had a lot on our minds at the moment but for now we should focus on supporting our guild mate since they were the next one fighting.

"It's a lovely day at the games and its about to get even lovelier, welcome to the battle of the beauties. Which puts fairy tail team B's Mirajane Strauss against Blue pegasus's blonde bombshell Jenny Realight," Chapati Lola announced as we were on our balcony again. So it was Jenny vs Mira, more and then likely Jenny would try to stop the whole fighting thing and have a battle that was different than any other battle. Of course that wasn't going to stop Mira so my prediction was that Mira had this one in the bag. I sweat dropped when it turned out I was right, Mira was now in an orange swimsuit while Jenny was in a blue swimsuit making the males and some females in the crowd go wild.
"What kinda battle is this?" Gray and Natsu yelled.
"I don't know," Wendy, who had recovered, said.
"A modelling battle, I knew it" I sighed while continuing to pull my hair up into a bun, the heat was getting to me but I refused to cut my hair. Mira and Jenny continued to change their swimsuits and poses.
"They're not gonna expect me to do this nasty stuff are they?" Wendy asked, looking embarrassed and close to tears.
"Of course not, it's a special case for these two" I sighed, making me chuckle a little.
"You definitely still got it," Jenny complimented.
"Thank you, it feels nice to be doing this again," Mira smiled.
"I gotta admit I was a little surprised that you agreed to do a pose off with me" Jenny said.
"I don't really like slugging it out with people so this is better. I much prefer taking a more peaceful route if it's possible. Plus I want to prove to Lucy that there is nothing shameful in what she did" Mira grinned and my eyes widened as the white hair take-over mage smiled up at me. I didn't think anyone had noticed my feelings about my modelling. Don't get me wrong I have nothing against modelling but the fact that I was modelling and showing skin just to get money makes me feel sick about myself.

"Two bodacious babe's who are both masters of transformation magic, this is truly the stuff that dreams are made off. Someone pinch me" Chapati Lola said.
"Again I'm joined by a real ladies man himself, Mr Yajima and our cool judge Jason has judged thousands of centre folds for sorcerers weekly" He continued.
"I'm really feeling like a young man today," Yajima grinned.
"This is gonna be the coolest thing I've ever done. If only Lucy-chan joined them" Jason yelled and I blushed a little.
"I can't wait to see what they will change into next" Chapati Lola said.
"Not so fast" a voice yelled and interrupted him.
"You don't just expect us to let these bubble headed bimbos hog all the attention?" The same voice demanded and I sighed.
"We have strong and beautiful chicka's as well," a different voice said. Sure enough Arcane, Lesley and Beth were now in swimsuits in the arena.
"Team Mermaid Heel has the ultimate girl power" Lesley and Arcane said together.
"This is embarrassing," Beth blushed. This of course set the crowd off even louder.
"Well I definitely didn't see this one coming. Mermaid heel has joined the party even Lesley has dumped the junk in the trunk and brought the va-va-voom" Chapati Lola announced.
"Hold it you guys, all these girls are missing the most important thing. What good is strutting around in your little swimsuits if you don't have the love to back it up" another voice called. Looks like Chelia and Sherry were joining as well. Wasn't this getting a little out of hand? Looking over to where the rest of Fairy tail was I saw Mavis putting her hands up and letting swimsuits rain from the sky. Seems like everyone was going to be joining.
"You shouldn't just stand here like a bunch of party poopers, let's all go down there together" Mavis cheered as she was in front of Erza, Wendy and I.
"There is no reason we should stand idly by while our competitors are taking the spotlight" Erza said.
"Actually I think I'll stay here" I said, my hand clenching my arm as I looked down. I had grown over the years but so did my scars. There were scars that decorated my arms, legs, chest, back and even a scar on my face. When I normally modelled from sorcerer weekly I had Cancer help me hide the scars with foundation, the only one that knew about them on the magazine team was Jason. Looking at the blonde man I noticed that he was looking back at me before whispering to Yajima who nodded and Jason grinned. With that he gave me a thumbs up and moved his eyes to Midnight who was already looking at Jason. Seems they had gotten permission for Midnight to use his illusion magic to wrap my body with an illusion that made it so no one would see my scars, how they did that with no words I have no idea. With that handled I jumped down in a swimsuit to join the others, glad no one would see my scars.

"If you wanted a heaping helping of fan service then ladies and gentlemen this is where you want to find yourselves today" Chapati Lola grinned.
"And unless we want an actual riot on our hands we have no choice but to let this madness continue" Yajima said.
"This is amazing, ah man. The sorcerer weekly's cover story, I'll call it the big battle of the busty bathing bombshells. It's so hot and cool" Jason yelled.
"But remember folks this is still strictly a one on one event so Mirajane and Jenny will be the only ones scored" Chapati Lola reminded.
"Wardrobe change, school swimsuits" He yelled. Next was bikinis with thigh high socks. Girls in glasses soon followed. Cats ears was next. Bondage gear.
"How about a blushing bride challenge? So ladies grab a lucky guy and squeeze into some wedding dresses" Chapati Lola said and my stomach dropped. This was going to turn into a full on battle in seconds. Sure enough I was soon dressed in a white wedding dress with no sleeves, golden lace over the chest part and frills on the bottom half. My hair had been put down and there was a silver tiara with golden stars on it on my head with a matching necklace.
"Hey Lucy, why don't we take this chance and actually get married" Loke beamed as he picked me up into his arms.
"No way! If Blonde is going to marry anyone it's going to be me" Cobra snapped and I looked to see he was dressed in a suit with Cubelios around his shoulders.
"Lucy belongs with me" Midnight huffed as he grabbed my right arm.
"Oi stay away from Luce," Natsu growled, grabbing my left arm.
"Flame brain, she is mine not yours" Gray said as he hugged me from the front. This of course made Juvia glare daggers at me while seething in rage.
"Please, Lucy would choose me before any of you after all who could better understand her then another woman" Erza said as she hugged me from behind. Just like I thought, these people were turning this into a fight over me.
"Should we help bunny girl?" Gajeel asked Laxus as Jellal walked up and somehow managed to get me into his arms.
"All of you back off, can't you see that you're overwhelming her" Laxus growled while glaring. This made all of them turn to me and I was blushing bright red while also having swirls in my eyes. Why was this happening to me? Why were they all fighting over me?

"Now that the wedding is over, let's get to another swimsuit round," Chapati Lola said.
"Stop this is an outrage! I can't take anymore of this" We heard yelled.
"What is this?" Chapati Lola questioned.
"You foolish young people let Oba teach you a lesson. So pay close attention and learn what it means to be a real woman" Oba, the master of Lamia Scale, yelled before jumping down and showing that she was in nothing but a swimsuit. That sure cooled everything down.
"And with that crash course in reality the mood of the arena has been drawn back to Earthland" Chapati Lola said while everyone headed back to their guilds.
"Parties over folks, the other teams on the field have begun to clear off" he continued.
"Cool down" Jason said. With that it was decided that the last round would be battle gear. That was announced after Jenny decided that the loser would do a photoshoot in their birthday suit. Mira of course used her Sytri form before hitting Jenny once and knocking her out. Unfortunately for Jenny her take over magic was nowhere near the same power level as Mira.
"And Mirajane takes the big W" Chapati Lola said.

With that it came to the last battle of the day Kagura from Mermaid's heel versus Yukino from Sabertooth. Yukino was a celestial spirit mage like me as well as Angel's younger sister. Angel hadn't told Yukino this though and had no intention of telling her either. Watching the battle I was impressed that Yukino summoned Libra and Pisces at the same time before summoning the forbidden  thirteenth spirit. Unfortunately for her Kagura was barely scratched and didn't even need to unsheath her sword to beat Yukino. It made me sad but I also glared up at Sabertooth. I knew what that guild was like so I would probably have to teach them a lesson, one that I am sure I would have help with.

"Hey Lucy, where are you off to?" Natsu questioned as I went to split from them.
"I have a few people I need to talk to, I'll see you at the guild later" I assured him before turning and leaving to a place where I knew that I would be able to talk to them. I didn't wait long until I felt someone's back press against mine.
"I can't stay long but I put everything I know on this" their voice said and I felt a piece of paper being placed within my hand. Curling my hand around the piece of paper I walked away to a different area before opening it.

'Lucy, the head of the royal guards Arcadios is trying to get his hands on your keys, a friend'

Reading the note I quickly burnt it. So the royal guard was after my keys but he wouldn't act without orders. One of the royal family then, so it was coming true. I couldn't let them get their hands on my keys no matter the cost. With that thought in mind I headed back to the guild, not knowing what the rest of the night would bring me.

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