"I feel so shitty. My nose is stuffy, I'm hungry but I don't feel like eating anything and everything hurts."

"I'm so sorry you have to go through all this angel"

"Just come here. All I want right now is to sleep in your arms."

"You will, but first you need to take some pills and eat something."

"I might vomit if I eat something right now."

"I went out and bought you some soup. You will not vomit from it because it is light."


I lifted her pillow and put the tray in her lap. She took the spoon and started eating the chicken soup I ordered for her.

"I feel so weak. I barely can hold the spoon in my hand." she indeed looked very pale and frail. I despised seeing her like this just as much as I despised seeing her cry. She was my everything and all I wanted was her to be healthy and happy.

"Let me feed you, baby. Your hand is trembling." I took the spoon from her hand and started feeding her slowly. She smiled and ate the whole bowl which made me happy because I knew it was gonna help her.

"Thank you," I said as I set the tray down and handed her the glass of water and pills.

"Take these, and then you will be able to sleep."

I took off my robe, placed the tray on the floor, and slid under the duvet next to Estelle. Because the drape was drawn, the room was dark and ideal for sleeping.

After taking her pills, she rested her head on her pillow. Our bodies were completely entwined and facing each other. Because it was so intimate and I could feel her so close, this was probably my favorite sleeping position.

"I'm sorry for being an asshole last night. I overreacted and I should have listened to you." she buried her head in my chest.

"It is alright baby. I understand why you were so mad at me. I just want you to understand that I just can't open up to you so easily. It's really hard for me and I'm trying to figure out a way to tell you in a few days."

"No, it's not okay. I don't want you to feel forced to tell me about your past. You should do it because you feel like it not because I'm acting childish. I want you to tell me when you feel ready not now or in a few days. I understand it is difficult, and you have never done it before with anyone, and I apologize for putting pressure on you last night; I love you, and I promise to be there to listen when you are ready." She lifted her head from my chest to meet my gaze.

"I don't feel forced to tell you anything. I thought about it a lot last night and realized that I might never feel completely ready to tell you, but I know that the moment I do, my heart will be free of all the things I have been carrying around with me all my life."

"You will, that's the way I felt when I told you about my relationship with my family. It might not have seem so important or painful but for me, it really was and still is, so opening up to you helped me more than I thought. I love you."

"Everything important to you it is to me as well. You've been through a lot but all these things only made you stronger and you know that. You've been suffering alone all your life, just like me but now that we found each other we don't have to do that anymore. I love you too and I will always be there for you."

"Uhgg, you are the best girlfriend in the entire world." She laughed and kissed my lips.

"No, you are." I kissed her back.

She rolled her eyes at me, and I laughed as I kissed her on the cheek, drawing her closer to me.

"I'm sleepy."

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