Chapter 2

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We were finally alone together for the first time since he pushed my hand away. We ate dinner with the gang, and coincidentally I was stuck with Liam taking me home. It wasn’t planned or anything. My ride canceled on me, and my wallet was still on my dresser. Thanks to the waitress, she put the tab on the house. 

I thought of words to say. Something to start up conversation. 

Liam drove with his eyes fully alert on the road. I could see that it was killing him to give me a ride, but not as much as him ignoring me was killing me on the inside. Even during dinner, not one word was exchanged between the both of us. 

We were turning into my street, and suddenly the car wasn’t moving. 

I realized that my heart was pacing too fast for its own cavity, and I was staring at Liam with tears hovering on the border of my tired eyes. 

“Get out.” 

Those words. How I hated them. As much as I hated Danielle. 

My hand knew what I was doing before I did because it went straight for his cheek. Liam quickly pushed it away and balled his hands into fists. 

“Do not touch me! I told you not to fucking touch me, again!”

“Just stop it, okay!” I didn’t realize how angry I was till I finally spoke. This had gone on for long enough. He was either going to forgive me, and move on with it or I was going to leave the band. 

“Listen to me,” I said. “If you don’t want to be friends anymore fine. But let it be known to everyone the reason why I’m leaving the band is because of you. See how far they can go with that story, eh?”

“Go ahead,” Liam fought back. “It’s not like you did much anyway.”

“Fuck Liam, why are you doing this to me? To us? I can’t take it anymore.”

“Just leave, alright?” Liam slammed his hand against the steering wheel. “Just get the fuck out already, Zayn.”

“No!” The word was hard. Strong. Although deep inside I was crying. “No, Liam. I won’t. Not until we settle this here and now. I’m serious about leaving the band, so help me.”

“Good. No one’s stopping you.”

And there it was. The insides of me were showing. I cried. My heart out. I cried till there were no more tears left inside of me. I cried in front of the boy who pushed me away. 

“I have to go Zayn. Please leave.” His voice was softer. Kinder. Kind of like the old Liam I used to know. 

And before I knew what I was doing, I reached out for the keys for his car, and ran up the steps to my flat. Grabbing my house key from my pocket, I could hear the door to Liam’s car slam. I hurried to open the door, and again, Liam slammed the front door behind him. 

“Give it here, Zayn,” Liam said, holding out his hand. But the keys were already in my pant pocket. It felt at home there. So did Liam. 

“Not until we settle this, alright?” 

Liam’s phone went off, again. This time I couldn’t help myself. I grabbed it away from his grasp, threw it on the floor and smashed it until it was dust. 

“What the fuck! That was Danielle.”

“Who cares about her? Honestly. Right now it’s just me and you. You and me. No one else. We are the last two people in the world right now, so help me, I’ll cut it down to one if you don’t stop being suck an asshole to me. Now please, Liam, why are you doing this to me?”

“You know why,” he gritted his teeth. “I’m not gay, Zayn.”

“And when was me touching you ever gay, huh Liam? Ever since you got yourself a girlfriend? Ever since you started loving her, instead of me.” I didn’t it feel it until I stopped talking. My tears. They were running down my face like waterfalls. “Do you think I enjoy crying over you, you smug bastard?”

“Just give it here Zayn. I’ve gotta go home. It’s late.” His voice was dead. He looked dead. His hair was a mess, his cheeks flushed, and the top buttons of his shirt were undone, showing off a light patch of skin. 

“Then take it from me.” 

Liam scoffed. “Piss off, mate. Just give me my keys.” He was coming alive, again. Angry. I walked right into his face, our nose all most touch. I could smell his sweet breath on my lips, and he looked at me, his light buttery eyes making me melt. 

“Come and get them.”

And then I did something completely unexpected. 

I kissed him. And Liam . . . let me. 

*   *   *   *   *

My bedroom. 

Liam carried me across my flat to my bedroom. He left all the lights off, carried me to my bed, and kissed me. He tore at my lips like an animal feasting on its prey. He wasn’t gentle. He was rough. Over stimulated. 

When I asked to talk to him, Liam just grunted. Continuing to kiss me until all of our clothes were off, and he was on top of me, my legs hugged tightly around his waist. He didn’t even use lube or spit, Liam just pressed himself against me and pushed in with great force. I couldn’t help but scream from the pain. Liam covered my mouth with his hand and continued to push inside of me. Harder and harder. 

Rougher and rougher. 

No more kisses came after that. Just a lot of pain and Liam moaning when he came inside of me. I could feel his sticky juice deep inside of me, and having a piece of Liam inside of me got my eyes rolling in the back of my head. 

Liam let go of my mouth, and dropped onto the bed with me still on top. When I realized, even after Liam came his cock was still hard as a rock. He fluffed the pillow in back of his head, grabbed my waist, and slowly pounded me on top of him. 

I pressed my hands against his chest, easing on top of him slower. More gentle. 

Liam’s eyes were closed, his tongue licking the extra saliva that stained his lips. I leaned down and kissed him. Again, Liam let me. I tongued his mouth, lapping up any of Liam I could take. His hands scratched at the bare of my back, and a little while later, he came again. 

But in no means was he finished. 

Liam moved me into another position then fucked me hard. Then into another. And another. And another, until he shot almost ten loads inside of my ass. Even when he slid out of me, his cock was still hard. 

As I went to wrap myself around him, he got up, dressed, took the keys from my pocket and left. Not without a word. No goodbye Zayn. Good night Zayn. Or, I fucked you senseless only for my pure enjoyment. I used you Zayn. Now fuck off.

The engine for his car roared to life, but I stayed in bed, crying. Feeling the last of Liam drip out of me, and my heart cracking for the last time. 

It wasn’t till someone found me that I realized that I was bleeding. A lot. 

My eyes closed, and I really didn’t feel like opening them up, again. 

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