Chapter 10

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There is something there. Besides Liam, who is leaning on me, softening inside as we both catch out breaths. Liam hasn’t pulled out yet, his arm, wrapped securely around my waist. I can feel his heart beating slower as we descend from passion and into love. Or perhaps the mask of love? It was all up to Liam. 

Since day one, through X-factor and becoming famous, I was always Liam’s. But not once did I have an answer to whether he was mine. 

With my hand pressed against the glass, and my forehead against my arm, feeling Liam’s small movements against my back. He’s kissing me softly, as if I got a bad cut or bruise, and he was there to kiss it all better. His gentle fingers are sliding against my sweaty chest, until they leave for a second to open the shower door. 

We step inside, finally pulling apart. Liam hooks his chin on my shoulder, reaching blindly in the darkness for the shower knob, and turning the hot water on. The water cascades on us both, and its a cleansing of some sort. Liam grabs the bar soap and lathers my back, my arms, my ass, and my legs. Giving me a special treatment of some sort. When the suds wash away, he’s kissing every inch of my body. In places I would never expect anyone to ever kiss. In intimate spots. On my hand, like a true English gentleman. His tongue licking from my calf, to my thigh, up my ass cheek, my spine, to my shoulders and neck. 

Liam grabbed my chin, pulling my face back towards him. Melting into him. 

“I love you, Zayn,” he whispered against my ear, nibbling on my lobe. “I love you so fucking much that it hurts me. Physically. Mentally. Spiritually. And whatever next.” His tone in voice switches. It becomes vulnerable, and cracky. “I’m so sorry for the first time I fucked you, Zayn. There’s no excuse to how I treated you. I was in a dark place. Zayn, you have to understand that you bring out the best . . . and worst in me.

“When I started dating Danielle, it was only to occupy my time away from you,” he confessed. His hand dropped from my chin, but he soon replaced both arms around my waist, hugging me closer to his chest. The water cascaded on both of us. 

“I’ve been fighting these feelings. Feelings for you. Just because I saw what Louis and Harry went through with management, and fans, and to put it as honestly as possible, I didn’t want that. I was a coward to tell you how I felt because of what people would say. That’s what killed me the most. Being told that I was a disgrace to my family. That I was going to hell. And whatever people say about this. What we have.

“Like you said before, I don’t want to be labeled as . . . gay or . . . a fairy. I just want to love you without the names. Without the disgrace from my parents. Or from the world we live in. But then I realized, that you are my world, Zayn. As long as I have you, everything is right. Because it’s exactly where I want to be.”

A few tears fell from my eyes. I turn around, wrapping my arms around his neck. 

“You know, you hurt me, Li. So much.”

Liam leaned his forehead against mine. Making a barrier from the falling water. His hand is on my chin, again. 

“These past months, I felt cheap. Used. You would hurt me until I felt like dying.” 

Liam quickly kissed me. 

“Don’t fucking say that, Zayn. You can hate me for everything, and do it for the rest of your life. But don’t say you feel like dying. I don’t want you thinking like that.”

“Well, I didn’t know what to think. You’d come over at night. Pretend that you loved me, just to use me for sex.”

“I never pretended to love you, Zee. I was just being a real asshole.”

“A very big one,” I chuckled lightly against his lips. My voice turned serious. “Please don’t say all these things and leave me the next morning. I don’t think I can handle being treated the way you’ve been treating me lately. We don’t have to be lovey-dovey when we’re with the boys, but I just want to know, from the bottom of your heart, that you love me.”

Liam planted another soft kiss to my mouth, moving my hand against his heart. 

“It has always been yours, Zayn. And will always be.”

The End :]

A/N: thanks to everyone who read One Touch. I hope it took you on a rollercoaster of emotions! 

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