Chapter 16 (Subaru's Long Lost Journal)

Start from the beginning

"You invented a language? Tell me something in your language, I'm curious to hear it"

"Okay ummm... mre"

Rem gave Subaru a weird look. "What?" She asked confused.

"I'm talking to you in the code. mre"

Rem took a minute to process what Subaru was telling her but eventually had a light bulb illuminate in her head. "Subaru are you trying to say, Rem? Did you just take the last letter of a word and put it in front?"


"That's so cute, Subaru. I think your code is rcleve"

"Clever? I dont think it's too clever. I just hope it's clever enough to keep my Mom from reading my journal since I wrote some pretty embarrassing stuff in there. Anyway, we should get some sleep, can you please turn off the lamp?"

"Course of, Subaru" Rem said as she turned off the lamp while giggling.

"That's not even how you speak the language, Rem. It's not the whole word, just the letter. Its fo ecours," Subaru corrected.

Subaru drifted off to sleep still wondering if his Mom actually found his journal. It had been years since he laid eyes on it. Last thing he ever wanted was for his parents to stumble across it. This question followed Subaru through the entirety of the next day. He just had to know if his mother read through his journal. The best way he could find out is if he questioned her.

Returning home from school alone, Subaru walked into the apartment and immediately made his way over to the kitchen where he found Naoko watching a cooking video on her laptop. Trying to perfect a new recipe she found online.

"Hey Mom, can you please pause that for a second," Subaru asked.

Naoko paused the cooking video and gave Subaru her full attention. "Sure, what is it Subaru? Did you have a good day today?" She asked.

"Yeah today was efin, Mom" Subaru responded. He used his made up language hoping his Mom would catch on. If his Mom knew about his made up language then it was more likely she read through his journal since at one point Subaru tried to translate every word from Japanese into his language writing it all down in his journal.

Naoko gave Subaru a weird look. "What?" She asked, confused.

"Today was efin, Mom. Do you not understand what I'm saying? I'm using my language" Subaru said

"It just sounds like a bunch of gibberish Subaru. Was this the language you spoke in Lugnica? Is this Lugnican?"

"On!" Subaru said

"On? What's on? Are the lights on?"

"Mom, on! Don't you understand what I'm trying to say?"

"Are you trying to say no?" Naoko asked.

Subaru at this point knew his Mom read through his journal since she caught onto his language that he always kept a secret. "You read my journal and I know it!" He said.

Naoko again looked at Subaru weirdly. "Your journal? I never knew you had a journal"

"I had a journal and you read through it, how else could you have known my language and how I got beat up in the fifth grade. I never told anyone about that."

"Subaru, I never read through your journal" Naoko denied, as she unpaused her cooking video and resumed watching it.

"I'm home!" Kenichi announced as he walked through the apartment door.

Knowing his Dad was home, Subaru thought he was the best person he could question."Dad, I got a question for you" Subaru said as he walked up to him.

"What is it?" Kenichi asked.

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