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Ships In This Oneshot

Oumami - Kokichi x Rantaro
Saimatsu - Shuichi x Kaede
Harumota - Maki x Kaito
Traffic Lights - Tenko x Himiko x Angie
? - Gonta x Ryoma
Kiiruma - Kiibo x Miu
Kirumugi - Kirumi x Tsumugi
? - Korekiyo x Korekiyo


Kokichi sat in the dining room and drunk fifty bottle of Panta. Rantaro came in and kissed his forehead and took away all his Panta so Kokichi got mad and hit him over the head with one of the bottles. BONK

"What the fuck Kokichi that was rude." Rantaro rubbed his head and cried. Kokichi hurt his head with the plastic bottle.

"Don't touch the Panta you bitch." Kokichi bonked Rantaro again and ran away. 

Miu bumped into Kokichi in the hallway and made Kokichi drop all of his Panta and fall flat on his flat ass to the ground. Kokichi cried in pain because his ass is bony. "Miu you're a bitch! Pick up my Panta you slave!"

"No fuck you." Miu kicked the bottle and walked away. Maki walked up and stared at Kokichi and just walked away. Kokichi stood up and GRAMMALY STOP I DONT CARE Kokichi stood up and ran into his room and cried because everyone doesn't like him. But then he stopped crying because he is actually emotionless and the only person he cared about was his bae Rantaro.

Kokichi ran to Rantaro and jumped on him but Rantaro was ready for it so he didn't fall over. "I wanna fly."

"Okay." Rantaro laughed and ran down the hall while Kokichi was on his back and everyone was jealous because they are cute together.

Angie saw the two and stopped them. "Join me in my sacrificial ritu- I mean prayer." The boys were scared of her so they joined. They followed Angie to her research lab that's definitely open because I don't remember when the labs open and I'm not looking it up. 

Kokichi, Rantaro and Angie stood in a triangle around a circle and drew a square and a star and a diamond because geometry and spoke Latin words and summoned nothing. But that's what they thought because magically there was a red string tying Rantaro and Kokichi together. "Oh no looks like we summoned the red string of fate for everyone."

"PUHUHUHUHUHUHHUUHHUUHHU I DID IT NOT YOU" Monokuma laughed at Angie because she thinks she can perform rituals but Himiko is Ultimate MagicianMageThing so she can perform magick. "ULTIMATE LOVE MOTIVE BITCHES" Everyone watched Monokuma because they suddenly appeared in Angie's research lab.

Everyone had strings attached to their pinky fingers because that's how the red string of fate works and they were all surprised to realise their soulmates were in the killing game with them because COINCIDENCE. That is also sad because it's a killing game so everyone gonna lose their bae or die.

Shuichi had a string connecting to Kaede so they kissed and ran away to play Clair De Lune or some shit on a piano. 

Maki and Kaito had a string so Maki took out a knife and threatened Kaito and tried to kill him but he hugged her and Maki went from ultimate whateverthefuck to ultimate simp.

Angie and Himiko and Tenko had strings to each other because poly represent and they all ran away to do aikido magic painting rituals.

Gonta and Ryoma and  had a string because I don't ship them with anyone and I said everyone had a string so FUCK IT.

Miu and Kiibo had a string so they went to Miu'ss research lab to fuck- I mean do maintenance.

Tsumugi and Kirumi had a string because I don't know why fuck you.

Korekiyo and um who else is left idk uh oh no one is left so Korekiyo has a string connected to himself so he goes and makes another seesaw. That's the tenth seesaw today Korekiyo please get mental help.

In the end everyone murdered their partner because Monokuma is a fucking cunt but I love him only in a platonic way.



Okay so, I might've written this chapter when I got a little bit tipsy *coughdrunkcough* and I kinda thought it was too funny to not post (plus a few people said they wanted to see it).
I am so so so so sorry for what you've had to read, please forgive me.
I have no idea where this shitshow of a plot came from either.

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