Oh poor luz

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Two chapters in one day? lucky you! Enjoy.

Amity's POV:

After Boscha tripped Luz ON PURPOSE I pinned her against her locker and started yelling and all she did was say "*laugh* she had it coming I mean look at her she can't even defend herself. She's just a weak useless human" I punched her in the face. Her nose was bleeding but I didn't care I yelled "DON'T MESS WITH LUZ EVER AGAIN OR IT WONT JUST BE A PUNCH YOU'LL GET" she ran away crying holding her nose.
I turned around and looked at Luz on the ground, I crouched down and picked her up I told willow and Gus to go get some nurses to help her.
So I sat there holding Luz's unconscious body. She looked like she was in so much pain..I wanted to kill Boscha right then.
A couple minutes later Willow and Gus come down the hall with a couple nurses who took luz to the nurses office. We were told to go back to class and so we did.
As we were in class I noticed Boscha was missing and just assumed she was in the bathroom fixing her nose and hair but I was wrong..Boscha came into the room with Principal Bump and she was smiling.
"Amity Blight please come with me to the principles office at once."
I got out of my seat and followed them to his office I know I was about to get in trouble, but little did they know I recorded the whole thing on my phone and then handed the phone to Willow before I punched her

So there we sat in his boring office.
"I'm so disappointed in you miss Blight I wouldn't have expected this kind of behaviour from you."
I looked at Principal Bump and asked him "what did Boscha say happened with me and her?"
Principal Bump looks at me and says "she said you,Luz,Willow,Gus.and her were in the hallway and she said something nice to luz so you push her to the ground and punch her in the face and kick her.

I look at Boscha and smile "oh really?"
"Yes." Principal
I pull out my phone and look at Boscha. I could see the fear in her eyes.
I turn my phone and press play on the video. He watches it the whole way through and I can see his reaction.
I can see from the corner of my eye Boscha is sinking in her chair.
The video comes to an end and Principal Bump looks at Boscha and shakes his head "so you lie to me and hurt a student for no reason?!?"
Boscha struggles to find words to say. "DETENTION NOW" he says furiously then he turns to me. "I'm not impressed with how you handled the situation so the punishment is you're suspended for the rest of the week."
"But.." he says "it was smart of you to record the video and help your friend out like that. So you can skip the rest of the semester to see your friend in the nurses office"
"Thanks so much Principal Bump! But what are you gonna do with Boscha?" I say hoping it's bad.
"Well.if she survives that detention sentence then she will get expelled from Hexide.Cant have her bad influence going to the younger kids." He says
"Well run along now don't you wanna see your friend?" Principal Bump says eyeing me
"Oh right" I say quickly getting up out of my seat and on my way out I say "thanks again!"
And I run down the hall to the principals office.

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