The end of the date (part 4)

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THE LONG AWAITED PART 4 LOL this will be the last part of the date and one of the last chapters of the book, this took months to come out I'm so sorry guys I have a busy schedule but maybe I'll make more books in the future, if you want any ships to be done like from she-Ra, toh or other shows do let me know :) enjoy!!!!
Luz's POV:

I woke up with amity peacefully sleeping next to me I look up at our lovely Fort we created the night before, I sit up and admire the plushy amity had knitted for me, I look around the room because I was bored, I wait until amity's awake to move or say anything, I don't wanna wake her up, so I just stare out the window. Not long after I hear groaning from beside me I look and see amity who has finally woken up. "Good morning sleepy head" I say staring at her giggling, she yawns and says "morning" she sits up looks out the window to see how bright it was outside and then asks me in a morning voice what the time was I shrug and I ask her to hand me her phone, she hands it to me and I check.2:56 it read I look at her tell her the time and see the fear in her eyes "I gotta go soon my moms gonna kill me" she looks disappointed. "You need your rest and you need to recover" I look up at her face and say softly "you don't have to go home. You can stay with me and we can have sleepovers every night until I'm better" she gets off the bed and walks to the door " hey, you thirsty? I can go get something for us to drink."
She completely ignored what I had said
I nodded kinda feeling hurt and stared down at my hands, I lift the covers and hobble over to the changing room I grab my clothes and get changed, when i stumble out I see amity sitting on the edge of the bed with two glasses of mater (the boiling isles water idk what to call it lol) she puts the glasses of mater on the nightstand and rushes over to help me to the bed
" look I really wanna stay here with you but then my moon would come looking for me".
She said as she helps me in bed and tucks me in. She sits down beside where I'm laying and looks down at me "I understand" I say, I put my hand around her head, push it down near my face and kiss her forehead, she and I both blush intensely but neither of us say anything. "I'm sorry luz but I have to get going," she gets up, gets changed gathers all her stuff, the comes up to the bed brushes my hair behind my ear and says "I love you luz" as she walks away "I love you too!" I shout as she walks out the door, closing the door behind her.
Days past and I never saw her.
Eda, king, Willow and Gus stopped by with a couple kids from school but it wasn't the same without amity.
Weeks past and my leg healed fast and before I knew I was out of the hospital and in crutches. I mostly just stayed in my room on my phone or on the couch, every one was so happy to see me, I was overwhelmed with attention and I can't complain I loved it but i couldn't stop thinking about what amity's mom did to her, I was angry and worried.

Later that day I hobbled over to amity's house, it was a long distance but I don't care, anything for amity

I arrive about 12 minutes later and knock on the door, the abomination helper thing opened the door and allowed me inside.I hear machines coming from a back room I go in and see the blights working on their newest creation and it was huge, amity's mom looks at me and asks me why I'm here I ask where amity is and her mom proceeds to tell me I'm a bad influence on her. I get mad and ask her again to tell me where she is, amity's mom rolls her eyes and looks the other way. I start getting mad but then I hear " mom I'm back from the library" and she walks into the room. As soon as she sees me her expression changed from 😐 to 😧 and she goes "l-Luz?!" She waits a minute then says "why are you here??" I ask to talk to her outside. She helps me outside of her house.m, I thank her for the help but then ask her why I haven't seen for weeks even months!

Then she says...

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