Luz's recovery

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Luz's POV (again):

Amity stared at me with tears filling up In her eyes, she put her hands out and held some of my hair, it grew longer while I was in the hospital without her. Tears ran down her checks and past her lips, "im so sorry Luz.. it's been so long.."
"Yeah. It has been..where were you?" I said choking back tears
"I felt so guilty after leaving you there and my mom grounded me I couldn't leave the house unless it was for school but I'm ungrounded now"
I hugged her tightly, sobbing quietly.
After the depressing sad moment we both decided to see each other at school the next day and I went to bed happy that she's safe

I woke up with a sharp pain in my sucked sleeping with my injury, I move so much in my sleep that my legs hurts more in the morning, Eda comes upstairs and hands me breakfeast.
"Eat fast kiddo you got school soon"
"Thanks Eda" I say digging in to the delicious meal of griffin eggs Eda kindly prepared for me. After finishing I reached for my wooden crutch created by willow, she's getting really good at making things with her magic.. she's gonna be a very powerful witch one day. So back on topic ,I get changed into my uniform, head downstairs with the help from Eda,
sent an I love you text to my mom,and then owl Bert dropped me off at Hexide.I start heading inside and see Willow and Gus waiting for me at the doors.They all hug me and say how much they missed me "your hairs so long now!!" Willow said "yeah and ur a lot taller" Gus added."I guess I've changed a lot since this happened", I say while I look down at my leg which had the injury on it.
We all head inside talking about how the hospital was and everything I missed in school. Then I see Amity at her locker collecting her books for first period "hi Amity" I say from across the room.she quickly turned to see me. She starts to head over "hey Luz.."she says softly,we all start talking and head down the hallway. We pass Boscha who was leaning against her locker. Out of the line Gus, Willow,Amity and I had created I was the one close to her, as we passed her she puts her leg out and trips me.I fall fast and head hit the ground since my leg was injured I couldn't get up so I just laid there and I went unconscious.I woke up a moment later to amity yelling at Boscha and pinning her against the locker with her hands, I turn my head to look at Gus and Willow, they are down on the ground helping me and they're crying. I grab Willow and Gus's hand and go unconscious once more.

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