Gloomity lumity

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Luz's POV:
I woke up to the sound of King snoring next to me, I could smell Eda cooking something..I wondered why she was up so early then checked the time on my phone.. it was almost 1:00 PM. I groaned and then remembered something was happening but couldn't remember what..Then it hit me..I was supposed to meet with amity today at 1:15!!!

I raced downstairs in a hurry and Eda stopped me "jeez kid slow down why in such a hurry??"

I tried to catch my breath and explained to her I had to meet up with amity for lunch she sighed and said "oh Luz of course you do..and you only have 15 minutes to get there"
She said with a look that only mothers give their daughters
I gave her a look of annoyance and rushed out the door while saying "Bye Eda bye King see you in about an hour!!"

It took a while to get there and I knew I would be I had to text amity to let her know.."hopefully she won't be mad at me" I thought to myself trying to type while running.

I slipped- idk what happened one minute I was running and texting Amity then the next I was falling then hit my head hard on a rock..I had passed out..

Next thing I knew I woke up in This strange definitely wasn't mine..I was in a lot of hurt to move but I noticed all my wounds were bandaged up, I wondered if I had been kidnapped then thought "I don't think kidnappers have pink rooms with plushies and help heal your cuts" then I check the time again. It was 2:30 I panicked and knew Amity would be mad but I hoped she would understand that I fell and passed out

Then I slightly saw a shadow of a girl about my height..pointy ears, short purple hair and I think yellow eyes?? Then it hit me..I was in Amity's house...

She placed a bag of ice on one of my wounds and said "I'm not mad at you Luz..I understand you fell and Im glad I found you when I did, a monster almost ate you!"

My mouth opened just wide enough to chuckle before letting out a cough

"You can stay here until your cuts heal. But I will have to ask Eda first to make sure it's okay..if you want to?"

I blushed and nodded

She blushed and smiled at me

"You get your need it. I'll go get some supplies and ask Eda. I'll be back soon"

I nodded and tried to smile but it hurt

I woke up again and this time i saw Amity sitting at the edge of the bed

I sat up and tried to move as little as possible because of the pain

I slowly lifted the blanked and looked at my leg. It was bandaged and I was curious so I slowly unwrapped the bandage on the cut. There was a lot of blood so I couldn't see the wound clear.

I suddenly felt a hand on mine and I looked up.

Amity was crying and she tried not to show it..

She wrapped my leg back up and walked out of the room

I was shocked but knew in this condition I couldn't get up and run to her trying to help so instead I used my trusty voice

"Amity..amityyy" I wailed with a scratchy beat up voice

She came in the room this time with a smile and a whole new attitude..she was like a new amity
"What do you need?" She said calmly trying to hide she was crying

"I need you to tell me what's wrong."

"*laughing* what are you talking about?"

"Amity. I saw you crying. Tell me what's wrong...please"


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