chapter 22

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Just gonna say if you can name the anime this is from then I love ya cause I love this fucked up anime.😊 doesn't really fit the mood of the chapter but who actually cares.
I attempted to make out the figures but before I even had a chance I was dragged away by an arm in the opposite direction by hitoshi, I turned my head around to face him only to be shown the desperation on his face "you can't be here!" He spoke through gritted teeth, there was only one group who I thought it could be but what would hitoshi have to do with them, did they know I was with ua?
"Who are they, are they from the-" I was interrupted by him shoving me down an alleyway out of view from them people.
"It's obvious who they are surely, after all your the one who wiped out their group, how could you kill all those people?" False information? I thought as I looked at the frustration which clouded his view and judgement, he kept pacing back and forth until he finally sat down on the ground, tucking his legs into his chest, "What did they tell you I did?" I asked resting besides him.
"The truth . . . I suppose." What a vague answer.
"Well it can't be that I'm a murderer could it, I'm sure that you already know that. Was it . . ." My speech drifted off before I could even finish my sentence as we were suddenly struck by a tidal wave of rubble from a nearby building clapsing under the pressure of war. I pulled Hitoshi into my arms and protected him from the rubble, my body as the shield. However, before anything even hit me I was pulled away under a stable enough shelter by the body which now surrounded me and comforted me with a warm embrace.

"We need to get you out of here." He stated with no intention of allowing me to express my own opinion, so I just gave a sigh and replied with "Okay."

At this point I feel that all I even do is run, I run away from my problems, I run away from the people who care, I try to run away from myself, though it feels like a first that I'm running away with someone else. Will I ever actually be happy? I asked myself, knowing the obvious answer already, no. I pulled on Hitoshi's arm trying to release myself from his tight grip, why the hell he was so strong I don't know. I couldn't get him off with my own strength despite my struggle so I decide to choose the stupidest option possible, what's more idiotic, sitting on the floor like a spoilt toddler forcing him to pull me along, or trying to bite off my own hand? Well I attempted the latter.
I must say the taste of my own blood is quite vile but it certainly did get him off, he released my hand almost instantly when he saw my act of self mutilation, he tried to pull my head away from my arm but before he had the chance I was off.

I sped towards the people who I inferred to be those jackasses from the lab, metaphorical guns blazing and a will to live deader than that rotting corpse I ate last week, I had seen Hitoshi, I had said my goodbyes and had nothing left to live for, I was ready to confidently die. Wait. I never said goodbye. What to do now? Hmm... just say oh well and grab that conveniently placed grenade over there.

I gripped onto the bomb prepped and ready for death, it sounded kinda nice you know, the though of no longer existing and moving onto whatever sort of afterlife there is in store for me. If I think about it clearly death sounds kinda exciting.
"Stop!" Hitoshi called out but it was too late.

"Byeeeee!" I yelled back while pulling the pin and jumping onto the mound that them people were stood on. Its a shame I've gotta die with these people but I suppose I won't care once I'm dead.

The last thing I remembered was the times where we sat together in my room, those repetitive days feel so precious to me now, like they were the only times in my pitiful life that felt meaningful. There was a ringing in my ears and then there was nothing. Thank you, and goodbye Hitoshi.

Okay all I gotta say is I'm sorry, I'm sorry to those reading this who would have preferred a better ending with a lot more emotion and proof that I give a damn rather than this peice of shit but what can I say, I've lost motivation and forgot this existed but I also really didn't want to write discontinued. Also I forgot who the people were and forgot half of the shit I wrote for this thing so there was honestly no hope for this. I gotta say I prefer my other story.

Once again sorry and thanks for reading, it must have been difficult to get this far.🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️

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