they found out.

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"What happened after you were taken by social services?"
"I don't remember."
"You mentioned that you were dissected earlier, who did it?"
"A perverse old man."
"What did your uncle do to you?"
"Train me to survive."
"Where is he now?"
They shut me up in an empty room, chained me to a chair and interrogated me with all questions about my past, did they forget about the student I killed just hours ago? They left me alone in the room for a while and consulted each other before coming back in. "Okay so I would once again like to ask you about what happened to you in your past and you cannot lie, I believe you when you say you cannot remember your late past but you should be able to remember more recent events. I will ask you slightly different questions, what happened to you five years ago?"

That was one year before my uncle saved me. "I was used as I test subject at some facility and was frequently cut and tested on."
"And why were they doing that?" I understand now.
"Because of my quirk." Someone here has a lie detector type quirk and I wouldn't be suprised if it was the officer that keeps asking the questions.
"And what is your quirk?" Well I'm screwed, if I answer with a lie then they'll know and if I tell the truth then God knows what.
"It's a quirk I don't want, that's for sure." Just end it at that please.
He shot me a strange look then moved on. "And who authorised for that to happen to you?"
"I dunno."
"Tell the truth."
"Some people with high status in this society." I obviously didn't specifically know them since they would have kept themselves hidden but I at least knew that much.
"And how did you escape that place?" Just shut up already!
"My uncle got me out, he taught me to survive then he died, are we done now?" I started to get frustrated by all the annoying questions that just kept coming.
"Okay one more, how did he die?"
"He was killed."
"By who?"
"A hero!"
He finished all of his questions then sat back on his chair and looked towards the heros, probably ready to tell them if I told the truth.

"His quirk is a healing one, he was tested on for his blood by the government, his uncle saved him from the place and taught him how to kill, then the man was killed by all might after they killing a group of drug dealers."
SHIT he reads minds!
"SHUT UP! MY MINDS NOT FOR YOU TO INVAID NOW GET THE FUCK OUTTA MY HEAD!" I screamed at him and flailed around but was incapacitated by some pink gas that flowed around me.

"His mind is very unstable, its beyond broken to the point of no recovery, he's a lost cause." I heard voices echoing around me but lay there in a paralysed state, unable to move or open my eyes. "He was literally tortured by those people, his hatred and thirst for blood runs deeper then almost all villians that I have met before, the trauma he has faced from such a young age is simply unethical. I'm sorry but I can't ask him about why he attacked the other student, if I put my head through that much strain again I'd have to take a temporary leave of absence and my jobs too important for that. I can at least take a guess as to why he did it."

So I'm that unstable, huh. Well its not like the voices in my head are something that a sane person would have I guess. Judging by the sounds from around me I could assume that they had dumped me back in the cage, but it also seems like they put a bed in there. How kind of them.

When I regained my ability to move once more I sat up and found myself in the cage again with no one around me but instead camera's were watching. My face lit up when I located a flavoursome scent coming from a plate that sat beyond the bars. I desperately tried to reach past them but with no luck, I wasn't even close to touching it. "GOD DAMN IT!" I yelled as I kept trying. I swear the next person to walk through that door will become my dinner. "SHOUTOOOOO!" Shouted an incoming voice who blasted through the door only to see me trying to reach for my food. "YOU'LL PAY FOR WHAT YOU DID TO MY DAUGHTER!" Oh, he must have been todoroki's father. "First of all, son and HE SHOUDLNT HAVE BETRAYED ME!" For some reason I was still trying to reach my food so he scorched the plate in spite of me. "FUCK YOU MAN, IM HUNGRY!" When he yelled at me it was fine, blaming me was fine, but you do not mess with my food! I stood up and held onto the bars while he stood on the other side.

"Stop it endeavor, that won't bring your son back." Said Shouta through gritted teeth as he looked down at the floor avoiding having to meet my gaze. The flame hero walked up to him "Well what about you eraserhead, you were suppose to watch over this monster so where were you while he was busy killing my son!" Okay, he can blame me since I was literally the one who killed him, but blaming Shouta is crossing the line.

"SHUT THE HELL UP, WHERE DO YOU GET AROUND BLAMING SHOUTA WHILE YOU BASICALLY ABUSED HIM!" There are certain people I can't stand in this world, those who have done me wrong, those who harm my food, and Abusive tortuous bastards. A bit hypocritical of me since I was literally a sadist as the insomniac said, but at least I ended my victims so that they didn't have to live on. "Well his murderer certainly shouldn't be one to talk." He's kinda wrong. "It wasn't necessarily murder since that involves the killer being of sound mind to kill with the intention, but my mind isn't very sound so-" He slammed against the bars in order to warn Me to shut up so I just sat there and merely became a spectator.

Soon a group of heros came in and took the flame hero away from me and tried to calm him down. "Hey! Can somebody bring me some food?" I waved at them but they all shot me backwards glances then left. "You shouldn't kill anyone." Shouta told me in a way that was soaked in sorrow, as he left, slamming the large metal door behind him. "Then what's the point of me existing at this point." I muttered as I lay on the floor. "I wonder what their gonna do with me?"

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