chapter 18

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There they were, all lined up action like at the edge of a steep hill, looking down on the town we were told to go to. And there I was slurping a juice box like some elementary schooler, looking all happy-go-luck sitting on a rock swinging my legs back and fourth. The only thing that separated me from an elementary schooler was not my height, but my insanely devilish grin that was cast upon my face as I looked down on the town, backed up by the knives in my pocket and my intent to kill.

When we made our descent down the hill, out of the corner of my eye I spotted someone lying on a roof top looking suspicious but assumed they just enjoyed it up there. That was until we were led by a large chined hero to directly infront of the building. We were then pounced on by hundreds of people, all of whom looked basically like ordinary citizens, residents of the area. Some guy carried out a soliloquy then the residents came crashing towards us, I was about to stab some guys but then they disintegrated, so I slipped away and went to find some prey somewhere a bit more secluded and away from the chaos. They'll probably all be fine on their own without me.

Well, there I was, all by myself wondering the streets looking for people to kill, oddly enough there was hardly anyone, I mean I know most would have gone towards all the actions but it was a god damn full scale city, how could it be so lacking in populous. My hunger just kept increasing but so did my wide grin, after all the hunt was the best part.

As I walked around a corner I came across a small child, it was a little boy sat  on the ground, curled up and crying. "MOOMMMM!" He cried out in a pained tone, one that I recognised and could empathise with but didn't want to. I pulled out a single blade from my pocket and held it at my side, I'd say that at that moment for the first time in a while, I actually let my guard down. As I moved towards the kid, my grip on the blade was weak and my awareness was lacking, and so that's probably why when the kid turned around and attempted to stab me, he managed to only just graze my side.

After quickly dodging i yelled out "YOU LITTLE SHIT!" I flipped around and turned to him, seeing that the skin on his knuckles turned sharp and dangerous, a slight bit of red falling down the side, the only thing it could have been was my own blood. I took out another blade and ran towards him, the wound was only a tiny scratch so there was no severe damage but the thought of being injured was still there. He ran at me as well, armed and ready, but I clearly had more experience, training and more of a thirst to kill. And so I was the one who struck first. I threw one blade which he surprisingly dodged, so that it only scraped along his cheek, but that moment that he was distracted led to opportunity.

I continued dashing forward until my blade met his skin, I purposefully held it  lower than usual, I guess I actually felt pity towards the child. It hit him at his side, just below the stomach. He collapsed down to the ground as he gasped for air, "N-no." He cried out desperately with an outstretched hand with his other clutching onto his side. He had tears streaming down him face, some falling into his open mouth. "MOM, I DID IT, I did what you asked. Please. S-save me. M-o..." His voice began to fade as the blood loss became more severe, he was starting to lose consciousness.

I then watched as a woman appeared from around the side of a building, she must have been the mom that the child so desperately cried out for, I could tell he desired a warm embrace full of parental love yet he recieve nothing. "You've served your purpose." She shallowly informed her son as her eyes merely glanced in his direction without turning her head. Normally I wouldn't care less but at this moment it just really pissed me off to see scum like her, I guess Hitoshi's heroic attitude had some impact over me.

Without hesitation I sped towards her but when I attempted to strike I was blocked, it was like an invisible wall or barrier that built up between me. What a pain. I had come up against people who could avoid my blade before, of course since a knife vs a powerful quirk, the quirk would likely win. Not very prideful of me, but normally in those situations I would escape or run, I didn't want to be killed by a random person, but something about this woman wouldn't let me run and her avoidance only pissed me off even more. I tried again and again, swinging at her in different ways but it was futile, so I decided to test something else. I dropped my blade and swung my fist at her and it connected, though I'd never been the strongest so she wasn't even knocked off balance. I've got it. I understood how her quirk worked. The woman gritted her teeth and kicked me in the stomach, I had to admit her speed was impressive but still nothing to brag about in comparison to my own though it did still hit.

I fell down since the sheer force of her hit was reasonably powerful, but quickly recovered and regained my footing, I rushed towards her with my fists raised up, it seemed like a random attack but in reality it was calculated. I predicted the moves I would make and what she would do, my plan was perfect
But I didn't anticipate that an army of twice would come rushing at us and take down the woman for me, leaving me utterly confused. I guess twice overcame his fear. I looked down at the woman as I stepped on her head a few times over for the sake of it, letting out a small laugh and smirk. I then turned to the boy, no point in letting him go to waste. In some cases, me eating someone was a sign of my appreciation and so I ate him, I devoured the best parts and buried the rest, leaving the woman there to rot.

As I buried his corpse at the start of the woods just outside of town, a large section of the rural area suddenly collapsed. "Oh, I guessed I missed all the action."

Well done me for finally getting a chapter out after so long. Also just gonna make a note that this'll probably pass the anime but it'll like be so uninvolved from the actual manga that it shouldn't matter too much.

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