chapter 15

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Okay, so sorry I haven't updated for a while but I've been kinda busy but at the same time I lost where I was going with this. There's been so may 'a few months later' that I dunno where abouts this is on the mha time line so for the sake of whatever I'm gonna say it's before kurogiri was imprisoned, which is about just before the cultural festival.

As our days progressed so did our relationship with one another. Almost everyday after he finished school he came to my room and stayed with me for most of the night, he basically started living in this room. Most of the time we just lay together, watched TV or talked though nearly everyday he came along I would have a little snack, it's happened so many times that at this point he doesn't avoid me, he just accepts it and doesn't even struggle. It's been peaceful, Shouta's barely even walked in on us and we've never really been disturbed by anyone.

Everytime he comes to my room I make Hitoshi lay on my bed and rest his head on my lap, I then always ask him "what will happen if you betray me?" And he always replies correctly "you'll eat me." To say he literally has a mind controlling quirk, I'm the one manipulating him in this relationship, I make sure everyday he remembers what will happen so that he never feels tempted to do so. If I ever brake out of here and as a hero he comes after me, that is not betrayal. If he ever sells me out or gets me taken away, that is betrayal. I remind him of these factors everyday so that he is aware.

"So your the infamous demon child that I've heard so much about." As I lay on the ground with my arms spread out I raised my head only to see a head peeping out of a swirling hole. I focused on it for a moment but then dismissed it as a hallucination and closed my eyes again. "Kid, get up I didn't waste my time just to watch you sleep." The head spoke. I opened my eyes again to see a scar covered face with poofy black hair. "Do I know you?" I asked with a yawn. "Probably not but I've been sent to pick you up for some unknown reason." He sounded really frustrated but I was far too tired to properly acknowledge his existence.

"Come on, in offering you a chance to leave, the common decision would be to accompany me out of here." At his promises of freedom my head shot up and I looked at him eye to eye. "Can I kill people or am I the one who'll be killed?" As I was asking I began packing away my stuff which was literally just a fair few clothes, three pillows and a blanket. "You can kill, now hurry up." I finished loading my bag then dashed towards the head stopping directly infront of him and smiled up at him. "Can I say goodbye to my boyfriend?" He huffed then pushed my head through the portal, it was pitch black for a moment until I came out through the other side to reveal a gang of suspicious people stood around me.

"So your the one sensei mentioned at one point, the nephew of an assassin correct?" I looked around the dingy building that would closer match the description of abandoned ruins than a villian base. "Kid are you deaf?" The raspy voice spoke again. "Oh, yeah hi. Yep he's my uncle I guess he's the reason you villians took the effort to save me, now Where's someone I can kill I'm Hungry." I continued examining the area as well as the people there. A crusty blueberry, a burnt thing, a blonde vampire girl, a lizard, masked man and mist man. They were certainly some unique characters but I can't be one to judge. "Just go out and kill, I don't care what you do as long as you don't get caught or lead someone to us."

I raised my eyebrow but then joyfully skipped away at the fact that I could finally kill for myself again, until I stopped in my tracks and turned back around. "I forgot something at UA." They all looked at me questioningly until the blonde vampire raised her hand. "Ooo, can I go too, that sounds like fun!" She exclaimed looking towards the blueberry, from that I could assume he was the leader. "I don't care." He sighed as he waved his hand back and forth. The girl then looked towards the mist man and he nodded his head in agreement. "Tell me the specific coordinates."

I told him where I needed to go then he turned into a large swirling portal which I then climbed through. I found myself in the room I was in before I killed todoroki, it was all almost identical to how I left it though I'm sure they would have searched it a bit since I did butcher someone. I moved towards the tall shelf and pushed it aside, meanwhile the girl looked around the room checking every nook and cranny for something interesting. Once the shelf was out of my way I ripped up the floor boards leaving what hid below to be exposed. I pulled out a bag, it was the same bag that I hid my mask and blades in. It suprised me that it was even still there.

"Hey, I'm done." I called out indicating it was time to go. The portal appeared and I climbed back through it and returned to the dump of a base. "So, what was it you forgot?" I was asked by the blueberry. I placed my partly broken mask over my face and held three blades per hand between my fingers. "Just some practical equipment, now see ya I'm gonna go get something to eat." I started walking towards what looked like the exit. "Byeee" the girl called out waving as I left. Now to go have some fun.

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