chapter 21

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Okay, as I said this really strays off the original story for obvious reasons so yes Hitoshi is now a part of the battle since without him there this just wouldn't work.
Running, Running, running. Almost endlessly I kept moving In a specific direction like a compass attracted to the North. It was as if my body reacted to his presence before my mind could even comprehend what was happening, I was submerged in my own desires which consisted only of him, I guess a long distanced relationship wasn't very healthy.

After running for what was around half an hour, I found myself at the border of a city once more though at that point it looked more like abandoned ruins, opposing to which, is the thriving land that sat to my left. I entered the town almost instictually and searched around looking for life but not just any life, the only life worth living, I just needed Hitoshi. Shortly after I began my search I had found what could have only been the work of Tomura, the land was literally destroyed, shattered and pulverised. I felt glad he was alive and kicking in a way but was far more concerned over what might have happened to my boyfriend amidst the brutal events which transpired, but all I could really do was think optimistically and hope that at the very least he survived.

I moved on, walking along the rim of the cracked land, it was like being in purgatory between heaven and hell. I searched all around me but focused more on the undamaged side since I had a doubt in my mind that he surely wouldn't go back to that obliterated land. I kept on like that until I reached the end where I was met once more with forested land. After reaching the end an empty, miserable feeling took over, another emotion that I couldn't comprehend and another emotion caused by hitoshi, he really was corrupting me, though in a positive way I suppose.

Once again I moved on unknowingly like a compass, it went on like that for a while and I just stared at the ground throughout it all until I hit something, or to be more precise someone. "Hey move it kid!" I looked up to see some random hero with a grouchy face complaining at me. I searched my surroundings seeing many other heros ranging from all different status and positions, it appeared I had led myself to some point in the town where the evacuations reached. "Kid move it. you need to get out of here, go evacuate with the rest." The hero spoke in a demanding tone, gifting me my chance to escape, however I did not want it, there would be no point going on without hitoshi. I'd rather die.

"Okay sir, I will." Overly formal and awkward but I refuse to call him hero. I walked around the guy and joined up with a group of evacuees, only temporarily of course, and found that they were being led by UA students, knowing this gave me the knowledge I needed, I knew that Hitoshi had to be significantly close by for Sure! I ran away and frantically searched for him, climbing up to high points in order to get the clearest view, meanwhile making an effort to be cautious of the other students that may recognise me. My search only halted when I saw an intense blanket of dust and rubble tumbling towards my current location, wave 2 was approaching.

Like a steaming role of mist, a violent rotating thunder and a catastropy like no other, it came barrelling behind me as I sped off at my bestest ability capable all with the intent of survival, and to only make it worse I wasn't even sure if Hitoshi was over here or not or if  hes even alive.

The overpowering storm of destruction was only inches from me, barely avoiding it, a hairs distance apart and just as I was about to be shattered I was tapped gently on the shoulder then began to float, which was certainly confusing but I accepted the chance of survival with open arms. I flew up high enough to make it over the tsunami, soon guiding myself back to the clear land with swimming type strokes. Around me were many other citizens floating, I suppose a hero just randomly made as many people float as possible.

Once the tomura caused catastropy ended  and I was over clear land, I fell down to the ground almost face planting but not quite. "Are you alright, can you stand?" Spoke a young voice, likely a UA student. I steadied myself on the ground, cautiously keeping my head down so as to not reveal my identity then walked away, the girl calling me from behind but I kept moving, soon moving at a running pace. "Ow." I muttered after a collision that threw me backwards onto the ground. I rubbed my head gently, still hiding my face from whoever I crashed into. "Izuku?" Spoke an extremely familiar and sweet voice, just hearing him speak fed my appetite and just being near him brought a smile to my face.

"Hitoshi, I've wanted to see you for so lon-" as I beamed up at him and looked him in the eyes they radiated a deep fear that dwelled with him, scared of . . . Scared of what? "You shouldn't be here..." he spoke with a stutter. "If they find you they'll kill you, you don't even understand the direness of the situation do you?" As he spoke I heard a static noise wash through my mind drowning out all surrounding sounds, I turned around for no clear reason and found myself looking at a hill in the distance. There was someone on it. Whoever it was it felt like they were watching me... waiting.

Okay I have no excuse for taking well over almost 2 months with this and I'm sure that any readers have either lost interest or lost the plot, me having done the latter but there's nothing I can do about it now.
In my defence I was studying while also binge watching sports shounen because, after literal BL, its the gayest genre of anime out there and I love it. I then watched given and read BL manga so yeah . . . I was busy😶

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