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When I finally came to I found myself layed down on a lumpy old mattress close to the floor with a blanket over me, the room looked like a custom made junk yard. When I looked to the side of me I saw the man from before with his mask removed and in simple yet formal attire.  His face was stricted and keen, but at the same time kind and fatherly. He had slick back green hair along with emerald green eyes similarly to how my eyes were described. He sat on a shredded single seat sofa, holding something in his hands and reading it, the front of it had bold writing on it. "What does that say?" I asked tiredly as I pointed to the front of the booklet. "Ah, that says Izuku midoriya." He told me then went back to reading.

I looked up at the crusty mold covered ceiling, it reminded me of the pile of corpses. "So that's information on me and my quirk. Found out anything new?" He nodded his head without looking in my direction. "I'll tell you later just get changed into those clothes on the chair next to you and then we can go home." So he doesn't live here? I raised an eyebrow at him but he simply ignored me and continued reading.

I grabbed my clothes and he pointed towards a separate room for me to change in. He had given me a simple black t-shirt, black pants, a large blue hoodie that reached past my hands and a face mask, likely to hide my identity. "Your dyeing that white hair of yours as well, its too suspicious a colour. Oh yeah I forgot my hair was white. I looked into the mirror and stared at my reflection. I looked so weak and frail, my eyes were dead and puffy, and my hair was void of colour. I couldn't even be viewed as an innocent child since my self destructiveness was spread all across my face. It was funny. I let out a small laugh and walked back into the other room.

"Here, I brought you green hair dye like my own do you know how to use it?" The hell is hair dye? I shook my head since I had never heard of such a thing and looked confused as hell. He let out a sigh and dragged me to the bath room where he emptied the contents of a box and started wetting my hair. After a long battle of struggling and fighting it was done, my hair was dry, revealing a bright and radiant green, not like his green hair that seemed so dark and natural. "Done, now we're going. Follow me, if you start wondering off I'll have to hold your hand all the way there."

We left the suspicious building and found ourselves directly infront of a silver car, I hadn't seen a car since 6 years ago, the last car I went in was the one that took me to the facility. I hesitated at first until he yanked my arm and pushed me into the car. "Buckle up and just sit there, when the car stops get out and wait for me." He slammed the door and climbed into the front and the car started to move. The whole way there I was stressed beyond words and inches from having a mental breakdown. I huddled down below between the front and back seat of the car and stayed there with my head in my leg and breathing heavily. I don't want to go. I don't want to go back, please don't make me.

The car came to an abrupt stop but I didn't move, I didn't want to. I thought we were back in the facility and I would be hurt again. "We're here kid, get up this is where you'll be living with me from now on." I raised my head to glared at him but caught a glimpse  of  a large cottage type house surrounded by greenery behind him. I shakily got out of the car and all around me I saw nothing but greenery, it looked as though we were in the middle of forest that used to be next to my house. "I'm going to move the car, you go inside and go get adapted to the new environment. Your rooms already been set up." He sat back into the car leaving me behind, I didn't no why I was trusting the man but I just did, there was something familiar about him.

I entered the house cautiously and looked around, everything seemed so strange, it would all be ordinary to others but for me it was comforting. It was so much better than the usual pristine lab and sanitised surfaces I was used to. I checked every room all over the place and found no sort of lab for me to be dissected, it all seemed so unnatural to me but it was nice. I stopped when I made it to my own room, it had three black walls and a main blood red wall, it had a double bed, desk and wardrobe that all matched the colour theme of the room, that was when I decided those were my new favourite colours.

After I searched the house many times over he cooked us some food and we sat down at the table, thank god for that I was starving, especially since I had recently released all the contents of my stomach. I dug into the meal, him still watching me, but moments after eating some of the food it all came back up. "It is as I presumed." He said as he stood up and grabbed the plate full of sick as threw it away. "How did they serve the food at the facility?" He asked me sternly. "They were just lumps of..." The realisation then hit me and I heaved once more but quickly covered my mouth with my hand. "Meat." He finished. It was clear, I couldn't eat anything other than human flesh. I was a pure cannibal at the core, it wasn't just something that activate my quirk. "OLD MAN, TELL ME WHAT THE FUCK IS UP WITH ME AND MY FREAKISH QUIRK!" I demanded as I stood up from the table and armed myself with a nearby spoon. "I will just calm down and put the spoon down, I once took a man's eye out with one of them." He said in a calm and unalarmed manner. I threw the spoon onto the floor like I was having a tantrum and growled at him. "Just tell me what the fuck is wrong with me!"

He took the leaflet from before out of his breast pocket and showed it to me. "I assume your illiterate so I will summarise this for you." He took a seat indicating this would be a long talk and so I did the same. "It is like that man said before, your quirk 'body of healing' can heal any injury, even one's that would normally condemn a person to death. It however can not remove diseases it can only prolong the person's inevitable end by repairing and replacing damaged cells. It appears that it is actually a mutant type quirk where you body cells are naturally healing, the human meat is simply the only thing you can eat and without it you'd surely die. It seems you had healing blood from birth and the human eating thing was what came at age 6. You could be both the cure and cause of human suffering, the pinicle of life and death." I wanted to throw up again but couldn't. "How did they find out about the food thing?" I demanded, wide eyed from the shock. "Who did I harm, who did I kill?" I didn't remember a thing but in my case it made sense, I was dissected almost every day so of course the only thing I really came to know was pain, hate and anger.

"You merely injured your mother, it states that you had killed no-one so it appears that your first kill was the doctor the other day." He put the leaflet back in his pocket and stood up. "We will start your training tomorrow, so sleep for now." He walked out of the room leaving me behind, I guess he lost his appetite since he didn't eat his food. I fell to the floor, petrified from the shock until I let out a sharp and powerful laugh. "HA! ISNT THAT IRONIC, THEY WERE ONLY TREATING ME LIKE A MONSTER CAUSE I AM ONE!" I screamed to my self as stayed there still laughing my head off maniacally, I think at some point I fell asleep on the floor since I felt myself resting upon a cold surface that gave me an awful case of nostalgia.

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