chapter 16

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For the past three days of being with the league of villians I've been hunting in order to cure my insatiable hunger however to no succession. I've killed, I've drank my victims blood and carved out their flesh but no matter what I just couldn't forget the taste of Hitoshi. I needed him, I Needed to have him. I needed to voluntarily imprison him, I think it needed to be voluntary because I understood what it felt like to be held captive.

I had a dream recently where hitoshi sat on the floor and asked me to take him and so I did, I took his body, his flesh and his mind. He was entirely mine. Afterwards I healed him and we started again in a cycle, it was beautiful. I wanted to achieve that dream no matter the sacrifice, as long as I could be with hitoshi.

"Look who finally came back." I was greeted by the words of the man who I guess was technically my boss now. "Yep I'm back." I grumbled tiredly as I fell into a slump on the couch. "Where's kuro and dabi?" I asked as I saw only himiko, spinner and compress there, along with shigaraki, twice told me he was going home last time I saw him. All of them were in different parts of the large room doing their own things. "They have stuff to do." Shigaraki replied to me then we all fell quiet, it was kinda awkward but I was too tired and starved to start up a conversation, never mind be in one.

I soon drifted off into a deep slumber and found myself captured in the same dream as before except this time was different. Hitoshi begged for me just as before and I came to him, embraced him and claimed him, however he never came back to me. I fed him my blood, I put it on his wounds, I tried everything but he just lay there as a bloody clump in my hands, a disfigured lump of bleeding flesh, it was as if I stripped him of his humanity as he died.  I couldn't even tell if he died peacefully or painfully, I couldn't even see his expression.

At that moment it felt as if all the colour flushed out of me and I became a lifeless puppet to my cannibalistic urges, I was an irredeemable, beastly puppet. My body was covered head to toe with the blood of the one I loved and it didn't even give off the sweet aroma that used to intoxicate me, it was tasteless. I screamed out in pain and then the dream was over.

I fell off the couch and landed to the floor with a stream of sweat trickling down my neck, my breathing was heavy for a while until I regain a stable state of mind by reminding myself of the situation of reality. "Did you have a bad dream zuzu?" Himiko asked as she looked down at me on the floor, it had only been a short amount of time but we bonded quite easily, maybe it's because we're similar in a way, particularly with our similarity of quirks. "Yeah, it was shitty and on top of that I'm still hungry." She knelt down  and patted me on the head. "Would it help if I joined you?" She asked with an open mouthed smile, I guess she wanted to collect some blood. "Sure." I answered as I stood up and grabbed my mask and blades which i had left in my bag before I went to sleep. "Bye, shiggy, we're going out." Himiko told shigaraki as she joyfully skipped out of the room behind me.

We soon found ourselves at a random alleyway, not too far from the base but far enough so that we couldn't be traced back. We waited but not for too long since we were near a local bar. The way we did it was the first one to strike gets the kill, we were both unnaturally fast so it basically turned into a race. It was fun killing with himiko but no matter how many I killed their meat tasted so bland, no matter how much I tried I was still hungry. "You know if you keep eating like that your gonna get chubby, zuzu." I looked up at her with innocent eyes as I sat above a corpse stuffing my face. "Wo I vont" the sound came out like a muffled mess as I continued to eat. I'd say I had ate around 5 people, not necessary all of them just parts, and we had killed around 11. "Zuzu do you have an eating disorder?" It was true that I always felt hungry and would probably eat forever if I could be, I was only like that now because I desired hitoshi, right? "Wo." I mumbled again as I spat out the remaining bit of kidney that wasn't even worth eating. "These people are such low grade meat, their all either smokers, druggies or drunks, we need something better." I scowled as I crushed the skull of one of the men under the weight of my foot. "Where would we find high grade then?" She asked me and I though for a while, where could I find a type of high grade meat if it wasn't hitoshi? Wait. Maybe if we go there!

We walked around for a bit passing through alleyways and streets until we eventually arrived at a small little Cafè and entered. "I thought you wanted something to eat?" Himiko questioned as she took a long slurp from her strawberry milkshake. "Yeah but I was thirsty and the cats are so cute." I told her excitedly as stroked the little furball on my lap. I brought us to a cat cafe that  hitoshi once told me about, he even gave me the exact location in case I ever had the chance to go. They were so adorable! There was even this one tired, black puffy cat that reminded me of hitoshi, it was as if he had turned into a cat. I think the fact that I started seeing him as an animal showed that I had some attachment issues.

We eventually went back to the building  and just stayed there for a while until we left to do our own separate things.

Yay, I'm getting back to writing more regularly! Just gonna say to anyone who wants to be a writer out there, I find that I just lose motivation and inspiration when I leave it for too long, so try your best not too, though of course it's not the same for everyone. I'm not really one to talk exactly however, since I left it for quite a while (talk about hypocritical) 😗 but life can be an annoyingly busy thing and it is better to put more effort into life irl😬 . . . Life was literally created to be hated. 🤧

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