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All Might? Who's that? There infront of us stood a tall buff man with his hands on his hips, cos playing. Wait is this one of the hero characters Fredrick was on about? I looked up at the man analysing his entire self and all I could think up was that he was clearly strong and we might die, but let's forget the pessimistic thoughts for now. "We're not villians." Fredrick complained. "Oh really now, then explain how the child is covered in blood, accompanied by dangerous and illegal weapons." Well shit. Let's kill him. I pulled out three knives, two to throw and one to use myself but the old man beat me to the punch and shot at the man, only to miss entirely and end up with the buff guy behind him. "That's quite enough." All Might told him but Fredrick wasn't giving up.

He never told me what his quirk was but at that point I knew, his quirk was puppetry. Weird enough to say he controlled an army of Teddy bears to attach themselves to all might then he pulled me to the side and shielded me, while doing so he put my mask over my face to hide my identity. The bears suddenly blew up but in the end they seemed to only scratch all might as he quickly swung a fist at the old man and his entire body shot into the walls, shattering the bricks and his bones. Blood was pouring out of him left and right, through his mouth, nose and stomach. "Might of over did it there a little." All Might muttered with a small chuckle. "NO SHIT!" I cried but aggressively with no real tears then dragged Fredrick over to a hiding place.

I pulled out one of my knives and held it next to my arm over one of my old scars "drink my blood." I said as I moved the blade closer to my skin."Just shut the hell up and let this old man die." He complained in a grouchy, fading voice. Why did he want to die? Wait, I wanted the same thing. I gave him a desperate in despair look and he returned it with eyes of pity. "I'm sorry, I promised her I would protect you but I can't any longer." He sounded so sad. "Who's her?" I asked, trying to distract him from death, that lurked so near.
"Inko, your mother, my sister. She fought so hard to protect you but you were stripped away from her." I was purely shocked, he was my uncle and my mother actually loved me?
"Where is she now?" I questioned shakily.
"They killed her." He responded. "At first  she said you were stolen but I didn't believe her, I was told she was unstable. only after she took the responsibility into her own hands and was killed for it did I believe her. I then prepared and took you back for her sake. She's dead, killed by those bastards who harmed you, and now I'm going to be killed by a hero." The words of a dieing man were so void of hope and brought only sorrow.
"Don't worry, I'll kill them all. All might, those who harmed me, those who killed my mum, all the bastards who call themselves heros and all who get in my way." I told him aggressively and passionately.
"You know, ever since you were a child I had never seen you cry, even now while I'm dieing before you." He laughed lightly, ignoring the pain he was suffering through.
"Ha, your right uncle, but I won't need emotion where I'm heading, all I need is my anger and hate." He chuckled once more at my words.
"I'm... sure you...'ll learn to love... again." And just like that he was gone, with a smile plastered on his face. What was I suppose to do with the body? What did people do with the bodies of loved ones? Should I have eaten it, burnt it or shoved it in a corpse disposal unit?

Before I had the chance to decide, all might came along so I took the car keys, house keys and his mask and made my move. When I stood up I broke part of my own mask but had no time to pick up all the pieces  so I just took the largest part. I made my escape towards the car, I couldn't drive it but I could at least get changed into normal and less conspicuous clothing, consisting of a hoodie and trousers, then put my other clothes and weapons in the bag along with the keys and masks. I scavenged the car for other things that I might need, poorly bandaged my eye, then left the scene of the crime heading in the opposite direction.

Now here I am, sat on the streets, cold, wet and alone in the rain, nobody could save me from the bottomless pit I had fallen into any longer, I was afraid to fall asleep because of the place I was at, and the people around but I couldn't help myself. I then drifted off but not before catching a glimpse of someone approaching me.

When I came to I found myself in the back of an unfamiliar car, clutching onto my bag while someone was in the front driving me somewhere. Well shit. I pulled out a blade from my bag and held it ready to stab the person driving when the time was right. "Ah, so your awake." A tired voice said from infront of me, though I did not respond. "Sorry if I scared you kid, I just saw you sat there alone in the rain and thought it best to take you somewhere safe. Don't worry we're just going to a school where you can temporarily live. Your safe with me now, I'm a pro hero." A hero, one of those bastards that killed my uncle, but if he's anything like the last one it's best not to agrivate him. "OK." I said to him then looked out the car window. Well this will be fun.

When the car began to slow I focused on the surrounding area outside and saw a large wall and entrance around me, where the hell was he talking me. The car stopped at the entrance. "One moment please, the security systems on so I need to tell someone to deactivate it for you." He stood out of the car and pulled out his phone, giving me the chance to either run or stay. I don't know why but I chose to stay. He got back into the car and he continued driving until we arrived at the main building.

He took me into the room where infront of me stood a small mouse. "This is the kid." The tired man said as he stood besides the other, both staring at me. "What is your name kid?" He asked me. "Izuku Mi-" I couldn't say the last name in case they searched my identity. "Just Izuku." They looked at me, concerned by the fact that I only knew my first name then asked yet another. "Do you remember how old you are and what happened to you?" He asked another question.
"I'm 14 and I was locked away by my uncle because of my quirk." A slight truth, though I couldn't tell them everything or else they might send me back to that place. They obviously wanted to know more and more, there was clearly plenty they didn't know.

"What is your quirk?" I obviously couldn't tell them that but I also couldn't create a situation that would backfire on me.
"It's a cannibalistic quirk that requires me to eat human meat and in return I gain a slight speed enhancement." Close enough and I was fast enough to believe that, plus they'd realise my food source.
"Human meat?" They questioned. "And how did you obtain your meals everyday?"
"My uncle was a pathologist so I assume he took parts of the corpses and fed them to me." It was a reasonably realistic back story and quite believable, the only issue would be if they ever found out who my uncle was.
"How did you get all those injuries, did your uncle harm you?" What was I gonna do, blame it on my uncle or someone else?
"When I tried to run away or if I betrayed his trust and tried to contact the outside world, he'd often get angry and hurt me. Sometimes it wasn't that bad but other times it was like..." They couldn't ask for more answers from a kid suffering through trauma, and in actuality it was real, I really was remembering my past at that moment and suffering through the trauma. I was sorry for dragging my uncle into it though.
"And where did you-" He was cut off.
"Aizawa-sensei I think that's enough for today, you should take the kid under your care and clean any fresh wounds. Be sure to make him feel comfortable." The mouse bear spoke and the tired man responded with a sleepy nod then pulled me out of the room and led me somewhere else, what the hell did I get myself into.

I Bleed For YouOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora