all i do is hurt

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Izuku's pov
What is the point of living. It only hurts and hurts and hurts and hurts. All I feel is pain, I don't even go numb when they use sedatives, it just hurts. I can't do this anymore... No. I never wanted to do this to begin with, it was all human greed I had no choice in the matter.

I sat there strapped to the hospital bed like any other day this time covered with chains since I had broke through the leather restraints, a needle stabbed into my arm followed by a tube that led to a half full blood bag. I was dizzy and drugged up since they wanted to reduce my ability to fight back but I still felt everything.

On average they took three pints of blood from me a day, if they took anymore I'd surely die. In some cases when they desperately needed more they'd quickly slit my arm or leg and take the blood from that wound and thanks to my quirk, even when exposed to oxygen my blood still works the same. I stay strapped to this bed from 6AM to 12PM and 3PM to 8PM. During the time I am let free I am surrounded by guards and kept close on a chain leash. When free I eat and sleep, nothing more really. From 9PM I am taken to the 'play room' as they call it, in that room I am stripped bare, made to lie on a cold metal slab and chained to it with on a thin sheet of plastic covering me. They then cut me, and hurt me, and torture me, and torment me, and force me to suffer, the disect me like a common lab rat. Can someone tell me what I did to deserve this?

As I sat there I didn't have the effort or energy to struggle, I lacked too much blood to the point where I felt light headed and ready to throw up but if I did they'd just cram more down my throat since apparently 'my quirk requires me to eat for it to activate' which I don't even know if its true since I know almost nothing about my own quirk other than it heals at the cost of my suffering. Why didn't my mum stop them? Where is she now?

"Hi there Izuku,have you been a good boy today? I'm sure you have." Said the perverse old man in a childish voice as he open the large steel door. I stared him dead in the eye with a dangerous glare. Why are you smiling old man? Is it funny when I suffer? Ha, ha. He was giving me a disgusting smile along with wide curious eyes while I remained there full of murderous intent. "Well anyway I'm here for your weekly physical check so let's get you unbuckled so that I can check your condition.

He unfastened the buckles and I tried to move and hit him but they took too much blood, it was clearly on purpose so that I couldn't fight this bastard. "Okay arms up for me,lets get you undressed so we can check you." I wanted to kill him, I Needed to kill him, he needed to die but why won't the world ever go my way.

"Well your all good, nothing wrong on your end, you seem to be in perfect condition, the only issue is that you have the body of a 10 year old while your 12, we can't have that we need you to grow big and strong since a healthy, fully grown adult can donate far more, I guess we'llhave to increase your consumption rate per day." Why won't he die? "Fuck off, you perverse bastard." I said to him as he began to walk out of the room, I said it quietly and unsteadily since I lacked the effort to ever move but it was loud enough for him to hear. He turned back around and shot me an uneasy look before he went back to his fake smile. "Now Izuku, wherever did you learn such horrible words? We'll have to be more careful with you." He turned back around and walk out of the room leaving me alone still strapped down.
I did it, I got the key from his back pocket.

"IT HURTS IT HURTS IT HURTS IT HURTS!" I screamed out as they slit my wrists seven times over. I struggled against it, wriggling around and waving my arms but my attempts were futile. "SHUT THIS STUPID PIECE OF SHIT UP, IF WE DON'T HURRY HE'LL DIE SOON!" One of the men yelled as he grasped onto my wrist, holding it over a bucket. "GET THE FUCK OFF ME!" when they finally let go of me the one holding the bucket ran off and a female holding a pillow approached me and shoved it in my face trying to smother me. They did that a lot, especially when I was kicking off. It was the next best thing for them since they could sedate me, but what if I died? My vision went dark, if I was lucky I would have died.

An alarm. It's hurting my ears, Why's it going off anyway? Did someone burn their cereal or something? My consciousness slowly returned as I found myself lying down still laced over with chains. It was some time after they had stole more of my blood and as I caught a glimpse of my wrists I saw them bare and bright red, the blood marks still on my skin and my clothes still stained. They didn't even take the effort to put bandages on me, what if their cattle had died?

I heard footsteps storming the hallways beyond the door and my eyes shot up to the small window at the top of the door. I could only just see the top of people's heads all running in the same direction in a panic, something was definitely happening, something above the level of danger that these people had ever faced. It could probably offer me the best opportunity of a life time.

I reached for the key that I had hidden somewhere that was never check and started with the chain closest to my hands, not sparing anytime to dawdle. Once free I climbed off of the hard surface I was attached to for half my existence and began making my way to the door, shaking and stumbling, rocking side to side. I was already confused and messed up in the head since I had already lost all three pints and my wrists were slit possibly cutting certain arteries. I was struggling but I still wouldn't give up. I yanked the door forward only to find myself unable to open it due to the weight, my light-headedness and my weak physique.

"I CANT GET SCREWED OVER BY A FUCKING DOOR!" I screamed through gritted teeth, full of hatred and anger. I kept pulling and trying as best I could but there was no way I'd manage it. During my struggles, there was a sudden scream down the hallway to the right that was then followed by the squeaks of polished shoes running down the hallway, the sound slowly increasing. I dove towards the scalpel that was used on me earlier, still soaked in my blood and still as sharp as when it peirce my skin. The large metal door swung open and in came the pervert, covered in sweat and panting. "Come child, come quick We must leave." He ushered me over but I just stayed there, swaying and shaking from the intense loss of blood. He stretched out his hand towards me but I hit it away and gave him a demonic stare. I wasn't going to take his hand even if I were to die.

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