Sans: *Starts chuckling* I wasn't gonna say anything. You already said it for me.

Chara: *Angry ghosty noises*

Kris: *Sharp intake of breath* So what else we got...?

FamilyofChara said: 

'Yusei: Hey, Chara. *looks around* Okay no Sans or Frisk right now. Here's some chocolate till i visit again.'

Sans: Uh, hate to be the bearer of bad news but-

Chara: THANK YOU!!!!! *Gratefully take the chocolate and waves after the asker*

Frisk: *Giggles* I wouldn't deny Chara chocolate anyways. 

Kris: Wait does it have alcohol in it-? 

Chara: *Glares at him* You no take my choco.

Asriel: Pfft. *Smiles at Chara* So anything else?

Mittens: *Stifles a laugh and reads it*

Temmiegotdrip said: 

'ayo assriel lemme getta piece of that ass'

Asriel: I- WHAT-

Kris and Sans: *Burst out laughing*

Chara: *Not even paying attention; distracted by chocolate*

Kris: *Still laughing* Looks like you're a lot more popular than you thought!

Mittens: Especially in his God of Hyperdeath form. 

Frisk: Well yeah I mean he looks kinda-

Chara: *Creepy smile* You wanna finish that sentence, partner?

Frisk: -Awesome. Just confess to him already, Chara. 

Sans: Guess your on my level, bud!

Asriel: Call me bud one more time, Sans-

Sans: Hehehe, that time wasn't even intentional. Guess I really am pretty Sansational when it comes to puns. 

Frisk: *Starts laughing*

Chara: Please shut up, comedian, you're ruining my chocolate enjoyment!

Asriel: Still though, I really hope I'm not on your level. I have no idea how you and the Jevil guy deal with it. *Grimaces at the thought of all the fanarts, fangirls, and alternate versions*

Kris: Spamton.

Asriel: ...Uh, what...?

Kris: Spamton G. Spamton. 

Ralsei: Kris, wasn't that the name of the-

Kris: Yes. He's the newest focus of the fandom simps. 

Sans: Let me guess, Deltarune character?

Kris: Yup. Chapter two. 

Frisk: Oh you guys lived through your part of the timeline already?

Ralsei: Mhm! *Smiles at the memory of all the new friends made*

Kris: Yeah... *Looks at Ralsei quietly*

Mittens: *Coughs in totally didn't make Kris flirt with Ralsei during the boat ride*

Chara: Did you do anything stupid? *Takes a loving bite out her chocolate*

Kris: Uh... Depends on your definition of stupid. *Scratches the back of his neck*

Ralsei: I don't think he did, why?

Chara: Hmm...

Mittens: Ok, we got one more thing left but can I ask a question real quick?

Sans: Shoot. 

Asriel: I swear if you make a joke about the previous question- Oh yeah I didn't answer it yet. In your dreams, whoever you are. 

Sans: Hopes and Dreams. 

Kris: Field of Hopes and Dreams.

Asriel: ...Why, Toby Fox...

Mittens: *Chuckles* No, it's not about that. Actually I wanted to ask Kris about his opinion of the player. Chapter two definitely got things confusing. 

Chara: You did something stupid didn't you. 

Kris: I- I didn't do anything. And you guys are fine. Afterall, you guys are where the funny memes come from. 

Mittens: Sure. Literally no one in the fandom believes you, but you say what you want. 

Kris: *Mumbles to himself* (Since when.)

Ralsei: Mittens, ...what are you talking about?

Mittens: Eh, nothing, just rambling on again. Here's the next thing. 

TechTem said: 

'Pays ur mons to tem you owes alot of muns u mus pay for your doorknobs bils'

Frisk: Oh, hi, Temmie! Sorry but I don't have anything on me... Chara, do you-

Chara: I'm not giving that devil spawn a single gold piece. *Doesn't even look up from her chocolate*

Kris: ...First the egg and then doorknobs... what the heck is wrong with this guy...

Asriel: I think Temmie's kind of like an avatar for one of the people who worked on Undertale, Temmie Chang. Kind of similar to Toby's annoying dog. 

Kris: Freaking dog. *Vietnam flashbacks to the red car*

Ralsei: Kris, I think we should give them some money! *Smiles at Kris passive aggressively*

Kris: Nope, not doing this again. Love you, Rals, but I'm not wasting my money on some dumb creature such as Temmie. 

Ralsei: Kris that's rude- Wait. *Starts blushing*

Frisk: See, Chara, even your future brother-in-law is willing to confess, no problem. 

Chara: Frisk, if you don't shut up right now I swear to Asgore I'm going to go against everything I stand for and make you kill Sans.

Sans: Heh, if you're smart, Chara you won't even think about it. 

Kris: *Thinks for a second* Huh. Whelp that happened. *Chuckles nervously while trying not to look at Ralsei* 

Asriel: Who's Chara confessing to...? *Looks at Frisk blankly*

Sans: Hey wait, weed, didn't you try to tell Chara a while back?

Asriel: I... Uh... *Looks off to the side*

Frisk: Let's see, who's Chara's best friend?

Chara: Shut up, skeleton lover. *Takes another bite from the chocolate*

Sans: Hey, I take offense to that. *Narrows his sockets at her*

Kris: Wait, does that mean you and Frisk are official now or something?

Sans: What-? No, we're not- *Rubs the back of his skull nervously*

Frisk: *Grins and hugs Sans* Yup! Now it's you and Chara's turn. 

Asriel: I think Kris already managed that. *Chuckles*

Kris: *Sighs and pulls out another piece of moss* 

Mittens: I don't think there is any asks left and you guys are just kind of talking about random stuff now, so wanna go on ahead end it?

Sans: Sure. *Waves to the camera*

Frisk: Bye!!

Chara: Don't ask me stupid stuff, bring me more chocolate, and the usual. 

Asriel: Chara... *Sighs*

Ralsei: See you guys next time! *Smiles and waves*

Kris: Bye, everybody. Hope they don't try to ask me stuff about Spamton next time... 

Mittens: You guys know the drill. Au revoir!

(Hmmm yes, 'Stuffs'. Truly the greatest title in the history of titles.)

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