Chapter 13 - The Three Adventurers

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(Rimuru's Perspective)

"AAAAAAA!!!!" A quite loud scream can be heard in the distance, echoing throughout the forest.

We stop our movements, floating in the air and observing our surroundings. We can see three people—two men and a girl—are running so desperately from something that is chasing them.

Just like the last time, they're running for their dear lives from a huge animal chasing them angrily, because a certain "idiot leader" with a mindset of a kid who "pokes a hornet nest to see what happens" has disturbed its peaceful life, making it angry... except that what's chasing them this time is not a group of giant ants...


... but a single huge reptile.

These three really are a bunch of idiots... I think with a dumbfounded expression. I start to really wonder about how can they even manage to survive until the present time.


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(A.N., this is, more or less, how Rimuru's expression is when observing the trio)

The men seem to be blaming each other.

"This is your fault, Kaval!" accuses the brown-haired, sturdy-looking man while running. "Have you lost your mind?! How the hell did you even think to poke a giant lizard's nest?!"

"Shut up!" retorts the golden-haired young man. "Don't complain about your leader!"

I can only internally facepalm hearing those words.

"Why does it have to be you who always cause such kind of problem?!" shouts the blonde-haired young girl. "Kaval, you idiot! Dorkaval!"

"Don't call your leader a dork!" the golden-haired man seems to be stabbed by the blonde-haired girl's words.


The giant lizard releases an attack by launching its tongue. And miraculously, they somehow can dodge it by bending themselves down while still running, without losing their balance.

Damn... their agility is actually a real deal. I guess the epithet "One of the parties, if not THE party, with the highest survival rate" really isn't just a joke to laugh at.

"If I die after this, I swear I'll come back haunting you!" the blonde-haired girl threatens, crying a little.

"Gahahahahaha...." The young man just laughs it off. "That's not even possible. If you ask why... it's because"—his face immediately changes into a hopeless expression—"I'd be dying together with you!"

They keep running and running.

It looks like their stamina won't allow them to run any further, as their speed slowly decreases over time. The giant lizard catches up with them.

We decide to save them now.

Shizu-san doesn't come with them this time, so there is no one who can fight back. If we don't save them, that giant lizard would launch an attack that would undoubtedly mark the final sentence of their lives' history.

[DISCONTINUED] Regrets and Wishes: To the Parallel PastWhere stories live. Discover now