Chapter 9 - Meeting of Two Kings

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(Rimuru's Perspective)

As expected, I couldn't really keep my cool in the court earlier.

I actually could ignore any insults that were directed to me. But, if they were directed to my friends, it became a whole different story.

Even if I had tried to refrain myself, hearing my friends being insulted and falsely accused had been irritating me so much.

It's just how the way I am.

And I think, Ciel also inherits some of my traits. She was born within me, after all. That's why she was also angry at the moment, although not to the point that she shouted out quite loudly like what I did.

Yes, Vesta was our friend, too. Sure. I actually felt bad for treating him that way. But here, he wasn't our friend yet. That was why I threw those piercing words to Vesta anyway.

We're now waiting in the reception hall of Dwargon Royal Palace.

To fill our time, we've been watching what happen in the court room using our [Multi-dimensional Perception].

King Gazel have sentenced Vesta.

Vesta is now officially forbidden to enter this palace again. He looks so saddened, falling to his knees and crying for a few minutes before finally standing up and walking, stepping out of this palace.

But, well, it was the best for him. Sometimes, one must get through a chain of devastating events to change oneself, either for better or worse. For Vesta, I'm sure he'll change in a better direction after realizing what he's been doing wrong. Because after all, he's not really a bad guy at the very core.

Some minutes later. King Gazel finally enters the reception hall. "Sorry for having you waiting," he says, "let's get going."

We stand up, following him to the dining hall. Some maids are also escorting us.


We've finished the lunch.

(A.N., I'm deeply sorry for this. I really can't get any idea to write down a lunch scene)

"Then, let's get down to our business, shall we?" King Gazel says. "According to the record you showed, you came to my kingdom because you wanted to find talented craftsmen. Is that correct?"

After twelve years, I finally will dive again into something like this.

"Yes, that's correct," I answer.

"May I know what it is for?"

I start explaining our condition which then led us to come to this country. "Deep inside the Great Forest of Jura, we are currently building a country of monsters. It's still a small, simple village. But someday, it will become a great country with different races of monsters as our citizens."

"'Country of monsters', eh? It sounds so fascinating. So, you two are actually monsters?"

"Yes, we are. I think we never mentioned it. I and Ciel are actually slimes."

In this dimension, I assume my human form much more often. So far, I only showed my true form, the slime form, at that night after the battle with the Direwolves.

"Slimes? With that kind of power?" He laughs it off but there is a sheer nervousness in his tone.

"Do you not believe us?"

He smirks. "It's just too preposterous for a tall tale. So, I guess I will believe you."

(Chuckle).... It seems, even King Gazel struggles very hard to comprehend the whole situation, eh? I can't blame him, though. My power indeed is terrifying, even for me who possesses it.

[DISCONTINUED] Regrets and Wishes: To the Parallel PastTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon