Chapter 8.5 - Vesta's Regrets (Short)

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Only a very short chapter and basically contains the same story as the anime, manga, and LN mixed together.

(3rd Person's Perspective)

"Now then, Vesta, is there anything you wish to say?" says Gazel.

"A—a thousand pardons, my liege, but this is all but a misunderstanding! Yes, it simply has to be a mistake." His voice indicates a sheer nervousness as he pleads his case.

"Misunderstanding?" Gazel looks at him coldly. "If it is, then it has costed me one of my most faithful retainer."

"How could you say such a thing my liege?! You call what he offered to you 'faithfulness'? Why, he is simply a man off the street—"

"Vesta, I see you're mistaken. Kaijin left my corps on his volition. When I refer to the faithful retainer I've lost, is in fact..." Gazel squints his eyes.

Vesta's heart races as he waits for his king to continue his words.

"... you."

I need to find an excuse. But his mind is blank. Words refuse to come to his lips. His thoughts are slow to form. What did he just say? He referred to me? Then...

"Let me ask you once again, Vesta. Is there anything you wish to say?"

Fear, just pure fear, dominates Vesta's head. His king has asked him a question. He needs to answer right now. But he just can't find it.

"I had great hopes for you. I've been waiting for so long, even through the failure of Magisoldier Project, for you to tell me the truth."

"M-my liege, p-please—"

"And now I find that, yet again. You were still denying the truth, that you ended up being disgracefully exposed by some unknown people instead, in front of all eyes in this room."

Gazel's words pierce through Vesta's heart like the sharpest sword.

Gazel unsheathes his sword and shows it to all audiences. "You know what is this?"

"I-it is the national treasure of the Armed Nation of Dwargon, passed from generation to generation."

If one sees it more thoroughly, one can find so many scars on it.

"This is the result of my fight earlier, " he says while sheathing back his sword. "But even that person hasn't even showed his true power yet. He was only toying with me this whole time. You surely understand what kind of person you had messed with, no?"

Vesta widens his eyes in realization.

"And thanks to your behavior, he almost lost his patience. No one could ever imagine what would happen if such being were to rampage. Is there anything you wish to say?"

Vesta now realizes the full extent of his king's rage.

With this, he truly doesn't have anything left to say.

"There... there is not... my liege." Tears start to fall down his cheeks. He falls to his knees and lowers his head.

The memories of his childhood flash before his eyes.

All I wanted was to be useful to my liege, to win my liege's approval.

Ever since I first saw my liege back in my days as a young boy.

That is all I have ever wanted.

When did I choose the wrong path?

Was it when I began to envy Kaijin?

Or was it even earlier?

Gazel could only look down at him with a gloom expression.

"For betraying my liege's expectations." Vesta lowers his head more. "I humbly ask for your forgiveness."

"Vesta, I hereby forbid you from entering this palace. Never show yourself before me again. But know this Vesta: your works until this day"—he turns around and walks to the exit door—"have been a very great service."

Vesta can only cry, sobbing, regretting everything he did.

In the meanwhile, Gazel stops several steps after he exited.

"My dark agent."

Henrietta shows up herself from the shadows.

"You've apprehended that proxy? Punish him severely."

"Yes, my liege."

Gazel continues to walk.

Who are those two people?

This is the first time in my life...

Have I ever seen such monsters.

My full [Champion's Haki] didn't even give an effect at all to them.

Even my unique skill, [Tyrant], can't dig deep into their hearts.

But instead, I was greeted by a memory of them breaking the prison that sealed the Storm Dragon, Veldora.

They're the true beasts.

And even much more threatening than Veldora himself.

But I have seen it myself.

They're not evil beings.

If that's the case, we're so fortunate.

Then let's just hope that our talk later... will give the best result.


[DISCONTINUED] Regrets and Wishes: To the Parallel PastWhere stories live. Discover now