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Y/n walked next to Minju, smiling the entire walk to school.

School's not that bad with Minju here. I'd gladly go if that meant that I could sit next to her and have a laugh.


Y/n blinked, "Hm?"

"You were spacing out."

"Sorry, what were you saying?"

"I was talking about how I made a different sandwich today."

"You did? What kind?"

"That's a secret."

"I see. I wouldn't mind a new type of sandwich. It's only been a week, but I'll take those."

"I hope you enjoy it."

"We'll see when we get to lunch."


As Y/n walked into the classroom, the atmosphere felt substantially less constricting than it usually did. The desk he sat at appeared less like a medium to confine him to his spot in the classroom, and more like a place where he can rest while he enjoyed Minju's presence. The window he sat next to became a nice source of light to illuminate his desk, and a heat source when the classroom felt cold. The desk right next to him was no longer a reminder of his past trauma, and more of a place Y/n would look to find his happiness. During class, Mr. Oh's words came clearer, as he no longer had the burden of his past weighing on him. Y/n felt content knowing that he found someone who liked him for him, and could keep him in check.



"Did you finish problem seven?"


"Can I check my work?"

Y/n slid his paper to the edge of his desk, "Yeah? Go for it."

Y/n handed Minju his paper before staring out the window.

Everything feels so much better now...

A few minutes later, Minju handed Y/n his paper.

"You did number five wrong."

Y/n turned to the girl next to him.

"I did?"

"Yeah. I won't tell you how you messed up, but you did."

"Okay... Thanks."

Y/n took his paper back before examining the problem in question.

"I can't see what I did wrong..."

"You one hundred percent did something wrong."

"But what?"

"I'm not telling you."

Y/n sighed before looking back at his paper.

"I can't find it."

"You should be able to find it. It's kind of a big mistake."

"Whatever. I'll look for it later."


Y/n looked back outside the window, spotting a few birds flying around together.

I guess the world itself looks a lot better now. I'm glad I was able to find Minju.

Y/n zoned out for the rest of the period, and the next, before the lunch bell rang.

Alright, time to taste that new sandwich.

Y/n walked to his shack with Minju, practically salivating at the idea of eating one of Minju's sandwiches causing Minju to giggle.

Shrouded Honesty (Minju x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now