Chapter 14

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The duo happily walked back to class following their peaceful lunch.

Minju turned her head in excitement, "So, when do you want to come over to my house?"

"I'm not sure."



"If you can't, then this weekend works."

"The following day is this weekend."

"Today's already Thursday?"



"I'll come over on Saturday then."

"That works with me."

"I'll come over at eleven. That should be enough time for you to pretty yourself up."


"You'd want time to put makeup on, right?"

"Bold of you to assume I wear makeup."

"You don't?!"


"This is your bare face right now."


"Holy shit- You're more beautiful than I thought..."


The two arrived in class, sitting down in their seats. After probably the most boring two classes, the duo eventually got up, relieved that they were done with the torturous experience.

"So, my house Saturday?"



Y/n walked beside Minju, making sure she stood on the inside of the sidewalk for the sake of her safety. Once they arrived at the entrance of Minju's neighborhood, Y/n waved her goodbye before continuing on his path home.

This is really nice. I like having a friend again. I can't believe how much has happened in the past four days...

Y/n arrived home, placing his bags down, and laying on his bed.

I wonder if Minju's going to want to walk today. Probably not. I'll check later to see just in case.

Y/n scrolled through his phone as he waited for time to pass by. Eventually, after dinner, the sun set and Y/n pulled up his messenger app.


Are we walking tonight?

My parents and I are doing something together, so I can't sneak out of the house

I'll see you tomorrow.

See ya

Y/n walked into his closet, throwing on a pair of brandless sweats and a hoodie.

It's time to go fight some people.

Y/n perched himself on his window, mentally preparing himself for what might be ahead.

I'm excited...

Y/n jumped out of his window, landing on the nearby wall.

Let's go find some people to beat the shit out of.

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