Chapter 28

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Minju rubbed her eyes as she slowly awoke.

Did last night really happen? I don't believe it...

Minju looked towards her desk, finding a backpack resting right next to it.

It really did...

Minju frowned as she stared aimlessly at the bag.

I kind of don't want to see him right now... I don't know how I'd handle myself after what I saw. I want to stay friends with him, but I don't know how to feel about myself, or him.

Minju grabbed her phone, checking the time.

I don't even know if he's awake. I should wait till after noon to give him a chance to wake up.

Minju rolled out of bed, going through her morning routine before heading down the stairs.

I'm still hungry. I forgot I didn't even bother to eat dinner last night. I just went straight to bed.

As she walked into the kitchen, Minju was greeted by her parents.

"Good morning Minju."

"Good morning father."

"How was your sleep?"

"It was good."

"That's good to hear."

Minju nodded as she walked to the fridge, pulling some milk out to accompany her cereal.

Should I talk to him about it? No. I should minimize contact with him for now. I don't think I can handle seeing his face.

Minju quickly ate her breakfast to avoid contact with her parents as best as she could. Once she retreated back to the safety of her covers, Minju sighed.

Please don't let this end our friendship... I really like this one.

Minju closed her eyes once more, opening them to find that a few hours had passed. An uneasy knot tied itself in Minju's stomach as she brought herself to pick up her phone.

I should text him that I'm heading over. I don't want to surprise him. I should also make sure he's awake.


Are you awake


I'm heading over with your backpack


Minju took a deep breath before changing into some casual clothes and grabbing Y/n's backpack.

This is it.

Minju moved down her stairs, making sure to make eye contact with her parents, gaining their attention.

"I'm heading out."

Mr. Kim raised an eyebrow.

"Where to?"

"Y/n's house. He forgot his backpack here."

"He did? That's odd. That doesn't seem like something you should forget."

Minju shrugged, "I don't know how he did, but it's here."

Minju accompanied her sentence with a fake smile, managing to convince her parents.

"Are you going to walk there?"

Shrouded Honesty (Minju x Male Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz